Childish delight in Maserati


Our daughter, four-year-old at the time, was mildly impressed with the QP when it joined the family but understandably a lot of its finer points were simply lost on her. Only mildly impressed; she liked the picnic tables but missed the comfy ride and lower window sills (better visibility for her) of our previous car.

One year on things are different.

I think the catalyst was taking it over to see my brother's family last month and the total adoration my sixteen-year-old nephew lavished on the car. Normally I slip him a few quid to wash my cars but with the QP he was begging me to let him wash it. I also let him manoeuvre it on the driveway (he's a good driver) and he was in car heaven being able to boast about that to his mates. His joy was manifest.

The other day daughter and I were walking to her school:-
'Okay, it's safe to cross after that Seat', says I.
'Seat, that's a funny name, is that what that car is called?'
'Yes, it's a Seat'.
'We have a Maserati'.
'Yes, we do'.
'That car is not as fast as our car'.
'Probably not'.

Aha, the penny has dropped. She now appreciates there is something a bit special parked in the garage.

That's my girl :)

Let's have your stories......
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Michael, as we now know, and its been proven scientifically the male of the species does not mature until about 35 yrs of age....that being the 24yr old offspring only use one word to describe the beast....................................

AWESOME..............not quite as endearing as your own story......but same sorta underlying meaning......:)



The day I picked up the car and was on the way home, we stopped at a traffic light and a few seconds later my 6 year old boy said " dad why is that man ( he was late teems /early twenties) taking a photo of our car"?

Thats when my 8 year old piped up "because it's a Maserati".........

At the other end of the childish delight spectrum, i was driving along the nepean highway and suddenly realised the road ahead was deserted except for one car. I gave it some herbs enjoying the road like it was mine. At the next set of lights, the above said car pulled up next to me. The passenger wound down her window and the driver ( husband in his eighties) said "that looks like fun"!. I replied "well yes it is". The passenger (wife in her 80's) said " that sounds lovely" " we have an Austin Healey Sprite at home".........

God bless them both.

In the few months I have had this car, I have been constantly astounded at the level of admiration these cars command by people of all ages.


Now he's in a forward facing child seat, my 17 month old boy claps and laughs like a hyena when I floor it in 2nd. He looks a bit scared if I do the same in 1st though...

His favourite is top down through a tunnel, waves his arms in the air and giggles.

My share of the delight is all the cute mums who smile & wave as we cruise down the high street together..."awwwwww, a baby in a sports car"


My 15 year old son was delighted when I bought the GS after a Maserati absence of almost 3 years...

"Dad, you've given me bragging rights back at school - thanks!"


Not really child related, but my 13 yo nephew just think it's the nuts.

Pick up from school is particularly desired.

Quote of the week was 'It's not scary, it's just a big pussycat. It's basically a Ferrari, you know' (delivered in a terribly sincere voice that only a pubescent can muster).

I'd certainly echo George's comments. I am stunned by the reaction to this car. I wonder if Porsche drivers get the same...


My children think the coolest thing on any of my cars are the pop-up headlamps on my Porsche 951. Though my 8 year old daughter also likes the fact that the back seat in the QP are electric, and that by using the button in the rear arm-rest she can move the front passenger seat forward. (Her Mum finds this less funny as she's shunted towards the front windscreen...)

My little boy is 4 and probably doesn't have a clue how lucky he is to be surrounded by so many nice cars. He asked the other day if I could pick him up 'in the Karif as he prefers it to the Quattroporte'; so proud, he's become a proper Maserati nut like his dad. I went in a Gransport instead as the Karif had no tax on it and the QP's now gone.


Special case
Not a Maserati tale but when Landrover Discoverys were new I had one as a company car for a while in the Summer 92 anyway the holiday that year included a trip to Cheddar Gorge and being high summer the gorge lane was packed for probably half a mile in each direction but just by the entrance there is a rocky plinth.... So I popped it up on top, got casually out and got the kids out while Jeanette simply spluttered and tried to formulate the words - "YOU CAN'T PARK HERE!!!" as we walked away I proudly turned to view my parking and subtly said "Because you CAN..." Kind of stuck as a catch phrase for that and subsequent Landrovers :)

Of Maserati, I think it just speaks for itself, Jeanette refers to it as 'the silly car' but is not ashamed to take it to work when it calls for it. The kids all quietly think its cool but outwardly won't want to go in it then ask to go everywhere in it which I still cannot figure out... Echo the comments on here that everywhere it still gets positive comments and to date I've never heard a single negative one even from staunch eco warriers!