Charity Event


IIRC he is the guy who is involved in the Supercar Drivers Club and has was (one of?) the first to have the 918, P1 and La Ferrari.

You're right about the need for care though. These cars are as quick if not quicker than racing cars and you only have to watch Kvyat's accident the other week to see how easy it is to lose it.


Yes, I saw it on my local news yesterday - the driver is from Rutland. Just a couple of wheels on the grass and the car was totally out of shape very quickly. He had an instructor sitting with him but not much you can do when it all happens so quickly.

I don't any where killed Mark but there are some critically ill in hospital


Junior Member
Looks to me like the bollards in the middle of the the track were there to act as a safety feature, and stop the cars from driving close to the crowd. Although now appear to be generally badly positioned since they guide the cars to the edge of the track near to the grass. In this instance possibly one wheel touching the grass.

Phil the Brit

Paul Bailey is such a nice guy, he and his wife do so much for charity. I wish him and the people who were injured a speedy recovery. No one was killed thank heavens.
I have to say that the reasons proper racing circuits have Armco, tyre barriers and catch fencing round the circuit is to stop errant cars from hitting innocent people standing in an area the is allegedly safe. Totally impractical to do this at "airfield shows" so should these kind of events be banned?

Phil the Brit

It would now appear the organisers used plastic water filled impact barriers...........without any water in them. Oh dear, was that a big mistake!! The red and white barriers were more for decoration then!