Cat D Gallardo


Forum Owner
Yes it is Gring he's relinquished his modertorship but still looks in now and again. He had a rough time with ADG and his whole Maserati experience was a big disaster really.

It was his issues with Birdcage that brought about this forum well that and a few others.

dem maser

Im not after an argument, chill out a bit will you. Perhaps I should inform Lamborghini that according to a boy on this forum all their prices are wrong.

Im not a boy, anyway if its you gring then lets leave it, picking an argument with a young boy like adam was wrong thats why i defended him then you went at it with me, anyway your respected by people on here that i respect so leave it.....
Hope your well & make it to a meet.......


Im not a boy, anyway if its you gring then lets leave it, picking an argument with a young boy like adam was wrong thats why i defended him then you went at it with me, anyway your respected by people on here that i respect so leave it.....
Hope your well & make it to a meet.......



Im not a boy

I think it was Adam he was talking about Dem!!

I know the feeling though, I got pee'd off on other forums when they talk about Maseratis and Astons being unreliable 'my mate's mate's boss's wife's cousin's dog walker told me his car exploded causing a tidal wave in Birmingham' and so on. People will always have different experiences with different dealers and specialists, prices are never fixed acrodd the board. Your mate paid £5k, Gring paid £3.8. Good for him I say!


I had my clutch wear checked at last service, 14 thousand miles done since I bought it....its now LESS worn than when I bought


Yeah but you do a lot of miles in reverse Frank

regards loz


New Member
Hi, yes it is Gring,

I by no means wanted to insult anyone here with my previous posts, just the way typing comes across sometimes perhaps.
Also I have no way of knowing the age of Adam, he could have been 70 for all I know.
I just find it very hard to read so called facts when from owning my Gallardo now for nearly two years I see that some comments are really inaccurate.

My Gallardo experience so far has been very good, the first year I had it was fairly costly, with new tyres, new clutch and and services, but they are to be expected. This year has been fairly low cost, about £1600 on a major 30,000 service, and thats it.
Considering I have now done nearly 20,000 miles in the car I would say its the most reliable car I have ever owned, and due to the fact it has actually gone up in price a fair amount I feel very lucky.
Recently I got the car wrapped, wish I hadn't! Why do I always pick the dodgy companies!! In the process of doing my wrap, the idiots managed to melt a rear light cluster and break my rear spoiler! as well as numerous knife marks to the paintwork! I am waiting at the moment for a court date, as I have had enough of being treated like a mug by these smooth talking cowboys!




Sea Urchin Pate
Well Peter, life is like that sometimes, but if it wasn't such a challenge it wouldn't be such fun would it!? Believe me there are far worse things that happen at sea but, for what it's worth, you car looks fabulous from a distance and I don't usually like white cars. All the best in sorting out your problems and I hope it all works out for you.


Thats the pits Peter.....sorry to hear of so much grief for your pride and joy!

Hope the court sorts them out soon for you!



£1600 for a major 30K service...

that's tremendous!- what a great piece of design, that given the performance, it can be maintained so economically!

Yes- that's very appealing in white. What's that shade called officially, Peter...?



Forum Owner
Unlucky again hey Peter, oh well, live and learn. I am considering getting my GTS wrapped in white, can you tell me what you think of it....I dont mean the cowboys who fitted it, I mean, does it look good, how does it clean and does it swirl mark when you wash it and can you wax it...that sort of thing. I am sure the blue door shuts drive you nuts but that I can live with as mine will probably be black so wont look too bad.


New Member
Matt, what's the reason to wrap your car in White, is it because you can get a black one at a better price...


That's not good Peter....why do cowboys like this expect to get away with these type of antics......don't let them get away it.


New Member
Unlucky again hey Peter, oh well, live and learn. I am considering getting my GTS wrapped in white, can you tell me what you think of it....I dont mean the cowboys who fitted it, I mean, does it look good, how does it clean and does it swirl mark when you wash it and can you wax it...that sort of thing. I am sure the blue door shuts drive you nuts but that I can live with as mine will probably be black so wont look too bad.

The wrap from a distance looks good, its the attention to detail that is lacking, in fact shocking in places, you can see my blue paintwork in places, and bits have been patched up where they obviously didn't have a big enough bit of wrap. Also you can see seams everywhere. Its very easy to clean, just needs a wipe down with a damp cloth, I can't see the benefit of waxing. can't see any swirl marks so far. Oh I had the door shuts done too. So no blue can be seen apart from the edges where they don't meet properly! If I could go back in time, I would not have it done.


New Member
£1600 for a major 30K service...

that's tremendous!- what a great piece of design, that given the performance, it can be maintained so economically!

Yes- that's very appealing in white. What's that shade called officially, Peter...?


Officially, I don't know, I like to call it Appliance white!