Another Scammer?


Some excellent info on this thread mixed with some embarrassing “handbags”
3 Selling Golden( ;) ) Rules

1. Regard any inquiry to purchase something as genuine up until the point you are asked to pay a monetary amount (however small) to the purchaser or a third party they involve.

2. Providing your bank details, sort code, account number, name puts you at no financial risk whatsoever.

Your account details are there to enable financial transactions to take place. That’s their sole purpose!!!

3. Always confirm that any money arriving in said account has "cleared" with your bank before handing over goods.

At this point you will be in possession of the “cleared” money and the goods..... which you then hand them over.
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I wrote very early on before the silliness began that I did not believe this was a scam. Also, the setting of @heathrow 's photos look familiar to others I have seen from time to time on ebay.

Things of note in the thread, @ofenomeno99 do you really know of a yellow LHD GS with 60,000 kms and a new clutch in Kuwait for £6,000? And did you really pay £1,000 to have your switches done?


GranSports in the Middle East are rare but they do exist, there was one for sale in Dubai around last year for around £10,000. They pop up every now and then but it can be hard to find a car car.

The 4200s are also rare here as a lot were neglected and/or scrapped, also rare to find one for sale but I think only clean examples remain now.


I wrote very early on before the silliness began that I did not believe this was a scam. Also, the setting of @heathrow 's photos look familiar to others I have seen from time to time on ebay.

Things of note in the thread, @ofenomeno99 do you really know of a yellow LHD GS with 60,000 kms and a new clutch in Kuwait for £6,000? And did you really pay £1,000 to have your switches done?

As @Twinspart said, they are extremely rare but if you do end up finding one they literally go for free. I would have bought the GS had I not just purchased a 2005 coupe a week prior. I'm still thinking about the GS though lol!

Phil the Brit

I want to be a big enough man to admit when I am wrong. I was not the only member here to misjudge him.
I am usually a good judge of people but on this occasion I was not. The person in question was totally good to his word and actually since we have corresponded back and forth a few times now and I actually like him very much. We have pretty much become pen pals!
The person has not asked me to write this nor has he mentioned that I should. I write this totally willingly and wish my new Italian friend the very best in all his future dealings with anyone in the UK. I would vouch for him in any dealings with a member here.


I want to be a big enough man to admit when I am wrong. I was not the only member here to misjudge him.
I am usually a good judge of people but on this occasion I was not. The person in question was totally good to his word and actually since we have corresponded back and forth a few times now and I actually like him very much. We have pretty much become pen pals!
The person has not asked me to write this nor has he mentioned that I should. I write this totally willingly and wish my new Italian friend the very best in all his future dealings with anyone in the UK. I would vouch for him in any dealings with a member here.

Good for you!