Alfa part numbers

Andy Marshall

Morning all!

So the Brera has developed a fault with the drivers side window - I get the anti pinch warning and it drops too far on door opening/will not close properly when closing door.
I've reset it a few times and the reset only lasts for an hour or less. sometimes it won't reset and the problem is getting worse.
I've been told that it's the window control module inside the drivers door. I can get one on e bay for £30 (new ones are £300!!!!!!!) but depending on who you talk to the question of the part number is either vitally important, or it is not!
The module on the car carries the part number 50510513. I cannot find one with that particular number. The e bay ones have a variety of different numbers - the closest being 50510517. According to e bays compatibility chart this is a direct replacement, but does anyone know for sure? How do I check compatibility?


I think it's a known fault, but a spot of silicone on the seals might help


If you are going to try a squirt of silicone, put it on the vertical guides only, DON'T put any on the horizontal seal at the sill or you'll have smudging on your window for ever more. Don't ask me how I know this.


If you are going to try a squirt of silicone, put it on the vertical guides only, DON'T put any on the horizontal seal at the sill or you'll have smudging on your window for ever more. Don't ask me how I know this.

This is a very good point!