Advanced Road Driver Day


Yesterday I went on an Advanced Road Driver day.

The purpose of the day was to make me a better driver on the road by increasing awareness, managing the speed and movement of the car better and generally improving my technique.

I thought it was very good and very worthwhile. He picked me up from my place and we drove over 200 miles from 9.15am to 6pm! A long day. It involved assessing my drive and teaching me new driving techniques. It works by combining car control techniques, that you'd use on the road or a track, with bits from what the Police and other advanced drive schools do with road and hazard awareness - you can't actually do one successfully without the other, was the message and lesson.

I've got to say that I realised what a novice I was! We drove around in his Fiat Panda(!) the great thing about this little car is that is accentuates all the things you do badly: bad gear changes, coming off the accelerator too hard, braking too firmly; all of that will lead the car to pitch, roll, lunge etc. If you can drive it and make it feel smooth you are doing a good job. We also worked on cornering and on entry and exit.

We worked on awareness, on managing what's in front and what's behind you and having a more planned drive. I thought I was already pretty good at this, but I was shown that there was ample areas for improvement.

My gear changes were pretty normal, and I was shown the differences in what i was doing when compared to blipping the throttle on downshifting and getting the right rev points and engine load to upshift. The differences were marked and noticeable. It was very satisfying when i got it right. I am sure there are many of you who already know how to do this and heel and toe, which will be my next step, but I'm sure there's plenty for everyone still to learn from Mike.

Mike Cooper is the person who owns the company and does the days. We had a long time to chat over the course of the day and he's a nice bloke to spend a day with, which is important.

He showed me what you can do with a Fiat Panda if you bring together all his various teachings, it was incredible. We flew round this beautiful stretch of road carrying some amazing speed but extremely smoothly and of course controlled with our vision of all upcoming hazards noted and assessed. I doubt many of us in our Masser's would have kept up with him.

Mike also does track day teachings and told me a few great stories of how what he has done has stunned a few people. Imagine being on a track in a Ferrari 430 and being overtaken by a Fiat Panda! Or, having 10 years of experience driving track days, gunning it and recording a respectable lap time, then in the same car being taken out for a leisurely and smooth lap by Mike that you didn't consider fast, only to find that he's beaten your time on a 3min lap by over 10 seconds. He coaches people in BritCar and various other comps.

I thoroughly recommend Mike for road driving improvements, and even though I don't have first hand experience, I would recommend him for track days as well. He teaches on tracks across the country as well as The Ring which he's actually taken the Panda round on many occasions.

Here's Mike Cooper's website

Give me a shout if you want further info. As you can guess I thought it was brilliant. I have no affiliation of course.

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I used to get sent on these, using police drivers, by a previous employer.( I used to drive 40k a year!) Were good days out and very informative.


Very good, people get into all sorts of bad habits and forget what they knew 10/20/30 years ago......never evolve their driving or think of how to improve


dem maser

would fail a test if redone now....would pass first time if i sat it in cyprus though....100m and you got it!! haha


Brilliant write-up, thank you. I've been thinking of doing something similar for a while, and getting Herself to do a course too. Very interested in this now, after your glowing praise!


Indeed. I did AIM on the bike, and have been considering similar on the Maser. This sounds very good.



I keep meaning to do this too. I did a Bike Safe day with the Met because I felt my riding had become a bit too "London courier" and found it very good.

Rossyl, what sort of price are we talking about?

Did Met Bikesafe first. 80 on the A406 with marked plod. What fun! :)



Did Met Bikesafe first. 80 on the A406 with marked plod. What fun! :)

Isn't it just?

I encountered the classic uncaring minicab driver. I was in front, Met motorcyclist behind me, and I could see this maroon Primera approaching a Give Way to the road we were travelling on. I could tell instantly from his approach speed and body language he had no intention of giving way to a mere motorcyclist and positioned myself and covered the brake accordingly. Of course he pulled out dangerously on us.

We caught up with him at the next lights and the motorcycle cop was furious. He overtook me and went alongside Nissan driver and banged on his driver's door window. The guy physically jumped with the shock, saw it was Plod and wound down his window. The copper roared at him with that adrenaline rush you have when someone has just tried to kill you: 'couldn't you see two motorcycles?'. He gave the driver a right earful. I can still remember the look of horror in the guy's face.

It was quite nice having one's own personal protection officer.


New Member
Good vid, thanks for that...his throttle control was just awesome. Surprised me that he didnt left foot brake for a couple of those corners..when you see that done in combination with heal and toe you wonder where the extra foot came from!

Surprising thing on that was how much he used the clutch...when you're really going for it the clutch just tends to get stabbed rather than pressed, you rev match using the blip from heel and toe..the clutch stab just takes some of the shock out of the system to avoid chirping the tyres.
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New Member

I would love to attend an Advanced Driver Course. Without doubt, the worst habit I have is failing to look in the rear view mirrors when both contemplating and actually overtaking another vehicle. Being overtaking by another, thanks to years of fast car and bike riding, was/is a rare event!

On a related note, half the drivers on Irish roads have no Driving Licence. If you fail the test, you are patted on the head, told to try better the next time, and allowed to drive home (and for the following year), unaccompanied, having just proven you inability to safely drive on the public roads! As a result of this, my driving style would be described as defensive, giving no quarter and expecting none.


Having obviously taken an interest in this - here's a vid of heel and tow by none other than a certain Mr Senna:

Terrific video, thanks. I could watch that for hours. I remember that unique throttle style from standing at Copse in 1988 and hearing it first hand; a unique staccato noise, none of the others were doing it. Prost apparently tried it during their McLaren years but found it didn't work for him.

Coincidently I have a Brazilian friend who is going to take her UK driving test soon. In conversation I asked her is it 'Air-ton' or 'Eye-air-ton' (it's 'Eye-airrrrr-ton' apparently) and she told me the great man himself taught her how to drive in Brazil. She was the only girl in a karting school and he did tuition there before he broke into the European scene. I hope the DVLA examiner knows what he's in for :)