A big Brunty thank you from myslef, John and Asda.


I know we have a Brunty thread and I've been reading all your comments. I didn't want this message of thanks to be lost in the thread as its important that all understand how much we appreciate your support yesterday..


First a big thanks to all who supported yesterday.....We could not do this event without you and when I say John at the briefing had a very emotional moment when he addressed us because of your support I hope you understand just what it means.......I think everyone had a great tiem from start to finish.....You used you pride and joys to give joy to others....Thanks you from the bottom of my heart...

The Gate...

If I miss anyone then please take it this is for you as well.....

Miles, for his support on the gate especially through the morning as he spent far too much time on the desk and not enjoying the track. Your experience from last year was a great help Miles...Thank you.

Newton, again what a star ... No Maserati but this didn't stop him turning up and giving his day up to man the gate and bring along a few spares....Thanks Newton and it was great to meet you at last.

The wives - So all that helped on the day especially ..... Now if I get the names wrong please forgive me.....I think it was Racheal, Mrs C and Lisa......Lisa a extra big thank you as she kept the cars moving and the line moving...Miles GTS I can see she keeps you well in line at home ;-)

So...the drivers....What can I say.....

Enzo, the Ferrari had the biggest line and I think you said on more than one occasion 'this will be may last lap' only to go around time and time again to keep the punters happy....A star as always....

All the drivers at the end that were going to stop but kept going to make sure we went over the £2000 mark even when most of you were running out of fuel.......STARS......

Some star cars on the day that must have put loads of stress on their lovel cars...White GT S...My God you were popular......All the other 3 GT S......You kept going and going as the Q was building up and up.....

Adrian in his AMG - Now this suprised me - Adrian cars was very much in demand and with Adrian staying out time and time again.....Thanks for the ride Adrian I am now a convert to the ways of AMG and Dan hasn't stopped talking about it.

Although I have picked out a few cars above all of you had people clambering to get in your Maserati.....Two stunning QP's gave it everything....The GS's, 4200 and Spyders.....Never stopped......

Oh and Benny..........Scared the **** out of anyone who got in his.....In the end the word got around and people starting asking him by name...........

Just from me a trhank you to all who looked after my two boys to allow me to get out on track - Again especially Lisa......Never expected the little M3 to get much interest and it suprised me how many wanted a ride.....Even I had a little Q at one stage....

Chris, thanks for the drive again mate and ues it felt much more sorted than Llandow.

C..........A very big thanks for you input before hand and one the day...........Thanks for the feed back and I agree with all. This was my first year on a gate and I think we can do bigger and better next year with more control...It did get a bit of a free for all when the crowds arrived after lunch. Think we did a great job for our first big turn out though. Plus a big thanks for sorting the T shirts out.....John said a thanks for his when I gave it to him as I left...Only problem was that I gave him mine by mistake so he has a small and I have an xlarge....Will need to sort that out.

So if I missed anone but sooooo much happen on the day and this really is a big thanks to all of you......

Lastly lets do it bigger and better next year...I'm sure we will....I will confirm how much we took when John tots up but over £2000...Stunning result......


P.S. MAF, great to meet you and thanks for keeping out car in such great condition ;-)


Special case
A total success, brilliant & just happy to be a part of it. Roll on next year...


It was a privilege. Some of the comments from passengers really brought it home what this means to them. Kids and adults both.

3 gates next year? :D



What an honour to be involved. Yesterday made me realise how much I take ownership of my car for granted - the sheer pleasure and excitement from the passengers who laughed and squealed round the track really brought home how lucky we are to own these great machines. I want to do it again - today!!


Also great to see your M3 in the flesh, Andy. In a stunningly shiny condition, which of course we wouldn't expect anything less!


Excellent Andy...........SMF is proud of you all..........well done and take a bow!



It is one event that children of all ages can get to go on track.....Thats rare...Great day...Dan's first day on track so thanks to all who took him out...He had a ball.......


New Member
and i will be there ......no probs cman........have to kep my boys going


It is one event that children of all ages can get to go on track.....Thats rare...Great day...Dan's first day on track so thanks to all who took him out...He had a ball.......

I had two kids in who couldn't even see over the door, but still loved it...the lack of a hair-band meant the car was a sea of long brown hair when I took the little girl out, and I could hear (but not see) her shouting "faster" even at 140 with the top down!


Also great to see your M3 in the flesh, Andy. In a stunningly shiny condition, which of course we wouldn't expect anything less!

Wish it was is great condition MAF...Was planning to get some of the paint done on her this year but with the head paid for that may have to wait....but at least she still looks shiny.


I had two kids in who couldn't even see over the door, but still loved it...the lack of a hair-band meant the car was a sea of long brown hair when I took the little girl out, and I could hear (but not see) her shouting "faster" even at 140 with the top down!

The kids were, without exception *so* polite as well!



Wish it was is great condition MAF...Was planning to get some of the paint done on her this year but with the head paid for that may have to wait....but at least she still looks shiny.

I noticed today that bug strike at 140 is a tad wider spread than at normal road speeds :D