3200 handbrake shoes.


Junior Member
have not yet tried to fit them as they arrived 2 days ago and I had no time yet. I was hoping that some of the ones who bought them before where succesful or can tell whether one has to exchange als to springs to the ones of the BMW. I wanted to avoid Saturday sitting in front of the brakes and exactly finding this out and no dealer open to get the parts.. of cause some one has to be the first....


Junior Member
Hi Guys,

Just a little update as I've now fitted these shoes (Eurocarparts) to my 3200 this weekend.

My old shoes had been relined by myself.. I say relined, I had cleaned up and reattached the pad material using JBWeld steel glue and had been working fine for several thousand miles. However the idea of putting nice new shoes in for only £20 was appealing!

The short of it is.. yes they do fit and they seem to work fine. However:

1) The securing hole in the middle isn't in the same place (it's further out towards the pad) which means the pin sits at a bit of an angle.. not pretty but it still works and holds the shoes in place!
2) The top holes are spaced further apart which means it's harder getting the top spring on and in place.. but not impossible.
3) They are slightly narrower than the standard parts.

The issues above did make them a slightly trickier fit.. but for the sake of saving £100 I don't mind!




Forum Owner
Well Mark, what if the shoes were to come away at speed and jam that wheel up, it would send you spinning off the road.

So, my advice is put the old ones back in, its just not worth it, if they are not right, they could end up killing you....is it worth it?


Junior Member
Hi Conaero,

Understand your concerns completely, and if for any moment I thought that there was a way they could come off and cause a problem then I wouldn't be using them!

They are securely held in place and are dimensionally correct.

The only "biggy" would be the retaining pin, but there is no way it can come out anymore than it can come out on the standard shoes..it just doesn't sit dead straight. Seeing as its purpose is to push the retaining spring down on to the shoe it is still doing it's job correctly.

I am naturally now going to take it all off again and treble check.. but there was no obvious reason why anything should come apart anymore than the standard shoes could come apart.




Junior Member
Right progress update time :)

I triple checked the shoes and there was no way they were going anywhere.. however.. they do have one major failing.. they couldn't hold a sponge on a 10 degree incline, let alone a one and half tonne of Italian finest steel! I lost count of the number of times I've had the wheels off adjusting the brakes to no avail.

I did however find that Eurospares are now stocking "pattern" shoes for the 3200 and other assorted Ferraris that share the same part. Part number is 170701 and is £88 for all four (plus VAT and Delivery) compared to £33 each for the Maserati items. Whilst not half the price they're still a useful saving.

I fitted these shoes this evening and the car holds fine on my rather steep driveway. Hurrah!




Junior Member
Hi Mark

do you have an idea why the brake shoes from Eurospareparts didn`t work as expected ? e.g.

- springs too tight, so requires more power to operate handbrake
- smaler pads ->less friction?
- would need to be braked "in"


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Junior Member
Hi J,

I tried "breaking them in" and it didn't help, I also don't think the slightly higher spring tension has anything to do with it as this is being easily overcome when you pull on the handle. I think the main culprit is the reduced surface area. The 3200 has a rubbish hand brake at the best of times and reducing the surface area is only going to make it worse.

