*BIG* shout out to Matthew and Sharon and the team


So point one: My baby is back. Running as smooth as silk.

As anyone with a passing interest is aware, things have not exactly been smooth with my ownership experience of the GT, but in fairness to the car, it's mostly been what other people have done to it! Banged into it in car parks, gone on holiday when the variators were out and so on (Maserati engineering, I'm looking at you here!)

The one thing that might reasonably be said to have broken was the oil pressure sensor. This became apparent after Brunty when there was a slight oil leak on the drive. After Brands, I'd booked it in with Matt who was happy to let me work from the sofa, immediately jumped in on it when I arrived and very rapidly diagnosed the sensor. (a £3 part!)
Arranged the fix, we were all ready to arrange pick up when 'the phone call' came.

I don't propose to go into detail of what happened, as what I am trying to highlight is the exemplary level of attention that the team has shown getting back from the rather unpleasant situation in which we found ourselves.

The end result is that the engine had to come out, one of the heads off, repaired, piston repaired and put back together. A not insubstantial job in itself. But not enough. While the engine was out, the chassis legs were showing corrosion, so that would be fixed. There was another invisible oil leak, so that would be fixed. There was a cable running through the firewall so that would be sorted out.

No charge

We though it would be ready Wednesday, so I sorted out my life (ha!) only to find out that Matt wasn't happy with one of the head lamp sensors. And was simply not prepared to let me have the car back until they'd done some more testing (apparently 110 down the M25 according to my spies), and it needed valeting. This would have caused me serious inconvenience. Thursday was out. Friday would screw me up royally, Saturday I'm meant to be getting geometry done, Sunday I fly to the US.

'Give me 5 minutes' Calls back 5 minutes later: We'll drive it back to you on Friday, and take the loaner away.

And this has just happened. And while you might quite rightly say 'Of course there's no charge' the point is there's no charge *and* extras *and* great customer service *and* patience in the face of a disappointed customer which an overly complex set of requirements *AND* a complete refusal to compromise on quality. (Sharon told me they were waiting on a water pump belt from Maserati at one point. **** it's a belt. I'd not care if it came from Halfords. Not Matt though)

In short, while it *has* been deeply frustrating, it's now back on the drive, spotlessly clean and I am a very happy chap. Tomorrow I shall be meeting with Blu to get our geometry done (this is not a euphamism), and the valved boxes will go on when I get back from the US.

I cannot recommend Giallo highly enough.



Nope, you did not have to seek troubles it seems but as you say, the level and quality of service you got has in no small way made up for the troubles! Wishing you a trouble free period now to properly enjoy her.


A whole day to use it before you go to the USA? Steady on.... ;)

Very pleased you've finally got it back and it's running well. Hope it stays that way now OB.


A nice outcome C by Professional Caring people.
Thanks for sharing with us and hats of to them.


Forum Owner
Thank you Mathew for looking after our members, its appreciated the extra mile you went here in this unusual and testing case.


Special case
Happy you are happy again, great to read the highest of customer services, well done Giallo...


I saw and heard your car running when I was at Giallo this week and it sounded sweet! Also mega loud with the exhaust off and just the manifolds!!! :D

Matthew/Giallo is my new favourite Specialist and I will always take my GT back to him for any work that's for sure.


I saw and heard your car running when I was at Giallo this week and it sounded sweet! Also mega loud with the exhaust off and just the manifolds!!! :D

Matthew/Giallo is my new favourite Specialist and I will always take my GT back to him for any work that's for sure.

It's running smoother than it ever has before. it's like someone's crawled over it and tightened everything up. And I really mean everything. Even the Parking pawl seems tighter!

Currently very very happy



SPONSOR: Giallo Cars Ltd
Thank you for your positive and kind comments, we always aim to provide our clients with a professional and friendly service, endeavouring to exceed their expectations. This does not always go to plan and i believe the way in which a problem is dealt with can have a massive affect in how you are perceived as a company. I believe in treating people the way i want to be treated and firmly apply this theory. The results are great as i know we are one of the largest independent specialists out there, what makes us unusual is simply we dont do Ferrari's or Lamborghini's, we are solely passionate about Maserati's and their owners (no double standards here). Thank you again for the kind words, i speak for the team when i say we ALL appreciate it.



Thank you for your positive and kind comments, we always aim to provide our clients with a professional and friendly service, endeavouring to exceed their expectations. This does not always go to plan and i believe the way in which a problem is dealt with can have a massive affect in how you are perceived as a company. I believe in treating people the way i want to be treated and firmly apply this theory. The results are great as i know we are one of the largest independent specialists out there, what makes us unusual is simply we dont do Ferrari's or Lamborghini's, we are solely passionate about Maserati's and their owners (no double standards here). Thank you again for the kind words, i speak for the team when i say we ALL appreciate it.


Nailed it, Matthew. That is all



Junior Member
Really pleased for you C.

Matt sadly in this day and age people only judge you when things go wrong not when things go right, but it strikes me you have done a grand job and deserve everyone's praise, nice one, I only wish the tw@t at Benz Bavarian had taken the same care with my car.