Professional Detail - Is it worth it?


I have just washed my GTS a week after it had a professional detail (machine polish, interior detail/protection and paint sealant) and wanted to share my thoughts / experience.

Initial results - Absolutely stunning! The car is 200% better than the day I picked it up from the main dealer with 10k miles on the clock, and probably 100% better than the day the first owner picked it up from the dealership. I have purchased a couple of new cars (one of them a Porsche) and I can say that the post detail of my car looked better than anything I have seen in most showrooms of premium brands in terms of paint finish. Virtually all swirls and scratches were removed, leaving a mirror like "wet" look that actually left the colour (dark blue) so vibrant that I detected new hints of pearlescent greens coming through in the sunlight. Stunning.

The first wash - I have always had my doubts about the ability to maintain a swirl free finish after a pro detail. I followed a fairly simple wash sequence as advised by the detailer that didn't take long but resulted in no noticeable swirls or scratches (the car was quite dirty having covered approx 300 miles in mixed weather). My detail included a popular semi permanent paint sealant protection which makes the car easy to wash, and I am sure this helped. The car was returned to the glossy vibrant finish I had seen when picking it up from the detailer, so very happy (apart from the second downside below).

The downsides No.1 - One thing to be aware of. If the car has any bad stone chips down to the white undercoat the luster of the paint surrounding it does draw your eye to them up even more. On balance, it is not a big problem as the majority of the car is chip free and looks great.

Bigger downside No.2 - Animal Attack!! Unfortunately whilst my car was dirty and parked in an open garage overnight away from home, a cat took a shine to it (no pun intended). Unfortunately, as the car was dusty, but still slippery from for glossy finish below, the cat must have been slip sliding up the bonnet before gaining enough traction to get to the roof to go to sleep :bigcry3: This meant paw scratches and swirls up the bonnet and on the roof. Normally, they may have blended in but now they stick out like a sore thumb. So the dilemma becomes, do I get the damage machine polished and re-protected now, or wait until more damage and scratches appear and get the car re-done? The overall issue being, as the paint is so nice, where do you draw the line? I guess this is the dilemma faced by anyone with an immaculate new car when it gets its first scratch.

Anyway, thought you might be interested in my experience! Also interested in you views.

My view overall so far is that the detail was definitely worth it at this stage.


Junior Member
I knew mine would not be able to be put into the garage last year no room, and had the car part detailed and paint protected and then the farmers did the fields a few months later and with the dust from the crops, did a wash and the result was fantastic the dust just washed away and left the paintwork still shining will get it done again soon so I reckon it was worth it.


I felt mine was worth it when I had it done.

C4sman, have you thought that the scratches might just polish out without machines?



I felt mine was worth it when I had it done.

C4sman, have you thought that the scratches might just polish out without machines?


There is a good chance that they would. My fear is that my attempt at polishing them out could cause more damage so I am reluctant to have a go. Also, the paint sealant that is still on the paint would be removed and needs to be replaced (again, not necessarily a show stopper as it available to buy from specialist online shops).

I might pluck up the courage in a few weeks to have a go!


I guess it boils down to the cost

Costs were less than 2% of the cars value. I express it in that way as personally I do believe the percentage as opposed to the outright cost is material for this sort of optional work when making decisions.


have you spoken to the detailer, maybe he will sort this out for you. if its only top coat then these can be repaired.

not sure if your local but would be happy to help out if needed


have you spoken to the detailer, maybe he will sort this out for you. if its only top coat then these can be repaired.

not sure if your local but would be happy to help out if needed

The detailer has offered to help, but a long round trip to get it back to them. Where are you located, I am SW London.


New Member
I get my car detailed twice every year with additional details prior to any major shows or long Euro' runs. Although I don't drive it every day, it's no garage queen, so I have a spring detail and a pre-winter detail. The results get better each time and the degree of protection, for me at least, makes it a justifiable expense.


Special case
THis is what happened to the last cat that sat on my car....



My mate Nick at DMC does all my work and he's one of the best out there.

This is his latest work on a RR. He says he has found the holy grail of Metal Polish and here's the 50:50 shot.



Detailing is well worth doing, once a year. With some free time and equipment (and excersise of course) you will have the pleasure to do it on your own.


My mate Nick at DMC does all my work and he's one of the best out there.

This is his latest work on a RR. He says he has found the holy grail of Metal Polish and here's the 50:50 shot.

Where is DMC located?


Detailing is well worth doing, once a year. With some free time and equipment (and excersise of course) you will have the pleasure to do it on your own.

This is probably the best option, I just don't want to practice on the Maser!


Yep Newbury. Come to the next open day and speak to Nick plus be good to have a GT there!