Wanted - Granturismo Wheel Swap. My 20"Astro Design for your 20"MC Design.

Sam McGoo

I know wheels are a very personal thing, so just putting it out there in case someone's up for a swap. I do love my Astros, but seen a few with the MC design lately and quite fancy them. (not enough to buy a set outright though lol)

Anyone feel the opposite and fancy a swap?


Good luck with that one buddy. MC design is very popular. I will say though I love your Astro design and probably after the MC are my favourite wheel in a GT. They also love great on your car.

Sam McGoo

Good luck with that one buddy. MC design is very popular. I will say though I love your Astro design and probably after the MC are my favourite wheel in a GT. They also love great on your car.

Yeah, I know it's a long shot, but if you don't ask and all that. ;)

Wheels are such a funny thing. A couple of years ago, I was of the opinion that only Neptunes looked good on a GT. Didn't even like the MC lol.

Then when I got the facelift car with the Astros, thought the design looked more modern and suited the new car much better.

Now, I've seen all the recent cars coming up on posts here with the MC design, and really like them lol.