Vintage Tyres Breakfast Meet, February 24, National Motor Museum, Beaulieu


"Join us for breakfast at Vintage Tyres’ Beaulieu base in your car, bike, camper, truck, tank or traction engine. Any vehicle of any age is welcome – if you love it bring it.
The format is really simple. We take over the first car park on the left as you enter the grounds of the National Motor Museum - just look out for the signs.
Park up, chat to like-minded enthusiasts, leave when you like.
For 2024 we've teamed up again with ace local caterers TASTE to offer a proper breakfast menu.
Entry is free and we promise not to talk about tyres unless you want to.
See you there from 08:30 on:
Saturday, February 24"

Hopefully there in the Ghibli, but depending on what's happening with the suspension etc I may take the 145/147. Anyone up for it?