So we're expecting a junior occupant...


New Member
Sorry for lurking for a while - back with a bit of a random question...

We've had our QP about 6 months now and absolutely love it. Fantastic sound, impressive handling for 2 tonnes of comfortable barge and staggeringly good MPG (sometimes indicating 27 on a long run - perhaps the sensor is broken?!) So given the success, we've now signed up for another possibly ungrateful money pit on the vague hope that it might be rewarding - and are expecting our first child in January!

We're looking at car seats and have come across this: Whilst it might be a bit naff it's not as bad as owning a Ferrari dressing gown if you don't have a Ferrari, right...So just wondered if anyone else had gone for one of these and would recommend them or not?


Our little 'un is due in December, however, I've decided against getting a Maserati baby seat and will wait until he or she is able to get into the bigger seat for 3-4 year olds.

My thought process is that you need a seat to go with/onto your pram etc.


Congratulations on the future lack of sleep! :)

I've spoken to a few people (can't remember who but one was Halbe) about baby and child car seats over the years and for the price the Maserati one isn't horrendously over priced , and is comparable to the MacLaren ones...


If you can get one for £100 from Dicky. Then it is Ok. But I wouldn't pay retail. Especially when it only lasts 1 year and a Maxi Cost pebble is only £99 and is exactly the same.

However again I would move towards practicalities rather than names and looks. So you really should get one with an easy base.

Otherwise wrapping the seatbelt around it every time you need to take it in and take it out is a real pain. A quick release base is much more convenient. As the majority of the time you will want to take the whole carrier out and click it into a stroller frame.

Or your kid has fallen asleep when you arrive home and you don't want to wake them.

Also the recommendation is you don't leave your child in it for longer than 1hr.

Oh BTW congrats.

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Evo Cymru


Regarding the car seat I recall my wife (who is doctor) being all over this and finding that it terms of safety there was a quite a difference between some of the 'branded' car ones and dedicated baby brands... worth checking on first.

To be honest it will be soon covered in sick/crumbs/poo etc anyway so I would not bother with a fancy one!!


We had a Bugaboo Chameleon pram and the Maxi Cosi car seat clipped onto (with adapters) the frame of the pram which meant if they fell asleep in the car (sleeping machines in a car!!!) then yo simply lift the car seat out and clip it onto the pram and away you go.

We have the pram here and maybe the seat if you are interested?



As others have said, buy something compatible with the child's buggy as the seat will be out of the car more than in it. Invest in a nice seat when the child reaches age 3 as they will be in that one until age 12.

For the first forward facing seat (9-18kg) I chose a Britax Eclipse as it's good value and the compact base is designed to fit in the "bucket" style rear seats of cars such as Masers. Miraculously the seat remained sick and stain free and is available foc to anyone who wants it.


New Member
Thanks everyone - much appreciated! Hadn't considered the advantage of being able to clip it in to the pram so sounds like a more complicated decision to make...will go and have a look at options but might well be in touch Dicky!
