Rolling road today


Seeing as I was unable to make the Roxwell meet I decided to pop up to the Surrey Rolling Road day.
Skip to page 5 of this thread for pics, quite an eclectic mix of cars there:

I got there about 3pm and missed a lot of them, but I saw a Focus RS, NSX, TVR Tuscan, RX7 drift car, E46 M3 and of course my beasty. There is something quite thrilling about standing 6 foot away from a car doing 120mph and revving its nuts off, especially as they were mainly tweaked and/or running noisey exhausts.

My LP550 was expected to make 530bhp at best so I was pleasently surprised when it made 570bhp!!
No wonder it's quick! The record for the day went to a Mustang, which I missed unfortunately, that made 590bhp (I think that's what I heard anyway, a full list will be on the PH thread at some point)

I don't normally do PH meets, but this was pretty good with a decent bunch of lads. Also met Harsh of Petrolhead Nirvana fame and had a good chat with him, I've known of him for years but never actually met, he's a nice chap. He reminded me that there's a Petrolhead Nirvana meet this Monday at the Ace Cafe, they'll no doubt be a good mix of metal attending, so may be worth popping along if near by.