Pulled over in a car park


Im cocky and must calm down.....

When i got pulled officer said i was doing between 70-72 to which i replied.......thatll be 71 then.....
haha.....I'd throw the book at you if I was a copper! LOL!

I remember a mate saying he got done fo 74 on the M1. I was stunned - thought it was a 10% rule. But then, this guy is one of the cockiest, cheekiest lads I know....so probably tried to get smart with the copper.

As for the tales of being stopped and getting nothing but a warning, I had the same last summer. Nice summers evening, was off to my parents, so went cross country instead of up the M1. Opened the car up a bit as I was on my own and the roads were quiet. Overtook a truck on a short bit of dual carriage way, and noticed a Focus pull out and keep with me.

Half thinking it might be an unmarked, I watched my speed. Accellerated hard at the round abouts, but kept within the limit.

It was an unmarked. Got pulled, told he's followed me at 80 in a 60, at which point I asked where and he gave a hazy repsonse...I said I saw when I overtook him and he said yeah, just after that".....haha

Anyway, he was nice enough, said something along the lines of "you dont see many cars like this around here, it stands out, so go easy....have a nice evening".

All pleasant enough.


My mate John got done for 31 mph in a 30 zone. Yes really.

He took it to court and the chap up before him was up for 185 mph on some banzai motorbike. He was duly dealt with and the magistrate called the next case. John's charge was read out and the magistrate misunderstood 131 mph for a moment. When he was corrected he turned to John and said "if I ever see you in my court again for doing such a ridiculous speed I'll throw the book at you. Case dismissed".