Now that is pushing it too far - a 15k granturismo


I find this mileage thing a bit strange.
A Triumph Stag for sale with 70000 miles is sold as a low mileage car, oils and car reliability have come on leaps and bounds since the 70s but a modern Maserati with similar mileage is seen as coming to the end of it's life. A modern BMW or Porsche are not affected by this mileage madness that blights Maseratis values.
I also agree with this mileage thing being a bit strange in some peoples opinion. As well as my lower mileage cars, I am also driving a 25 year old BMW 850 CI, with 103 k on the clock, I have owned it for 10 years and have had minor problems. I bought it with a service history going back to day one, and when I sell it, it will still have full service history going back to day one. I know for a fact that this mileage is definitely not considered a problem to someone who knows the in and outs of an 850. The same should apply to a Maserati, if it’s been looked after, irrespective of the model we should not slag them off based on the mileage, but unfortunately I see this very often.



I was chatting to someone on here recently who'd bought a car from a dealer only to find out that the engine shots were stock pics and not of the car he'd bought, which I thought was pretty bloody cheap and dishonest. The flaking paint on the cam covers gave it away. But an entire car??

Absolutely deadly serious. I enquired about the front parking sensors working and he said it didn't have them fitted I referred to the picture on the ad having them and he said the photos were from when he collected the car (previous sale) but I said well did you remove them and was told no he must have been duped and it could be a different car. Bizarre mate... I don't get it.


Absolutely deadly serious. I enquired about the front parking sensors working and he said it didn't have them fitted I referred to the picture on the ad having them and he said the photos were from when he collected the car (previous sale) but I said well did you remove them and was told no he must have been duped and it could be a different car. Bizarre mate... I don't get it.

Starting to sound quite dodgy now! If you do go to view the car be careful it's not a scammer mate :)


Not worth the hassle based on the above, just buy one for above 20k and enjoy it!


No but sure enough he has contacted on of us. These 15k offers haven't materialised..... funny that...
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Handling, I suppose. More of a sports car than a grand tourer. I still see the 4200/GS as quite a different beast from the GT.
GranTurismo wouldn’t come into the equation for me, GS all the way. Maybe a GT Stradale, but for the same price I could have a GranSport MCV, and again the GS would win.
GranTurismos are lovely things but too big for me. Wouldn’t say no to a free one, though...


GranTurismo wouldn’t come into the equation for me, GS all the way. Maybe a GT Stradale, but for the same price I could have a GranSport MCV, and again the GS would win.
GranTurismos are lovely things but too big for me. Wouldn’t say no to a free one, though...

This. Unless I could fit a Strad in the garage. But not ruling a Strad out as my next daily once the XK Jaguar gets too tired and leggy but no sign of that yet.


GranTurismo wouldn’t come into the equation for me, GS all the way. Maybe a GT Stradale, but for the same price I could have a GranSport MCV, and again the GS would win.
GranTurismos are lovely things but too big for me. Wouldn’t say no to a free one, though...

Whilst the GS is lighter and therefore would outperform a GTS (not a Strad) then it would be a choice for the track or twisters but that’s missing the point. The GT is that a GT car and drives better and with more comfort plus it’s more of an event. The Sound too... the GS is getting long in the tooth now too...


Whilst the GS is lighter and therefore would outperform a GTS (not a Strad) then it would be a choice for the track or twisters but that’s missing the point. The GT is that a GT car and drives better and with more comfort plus it’s more of an event. The Sound too... the GS is getting long in the tooth now too...

I like that the GS you can have comfort and a bit of fun with it on a twisty road. While I admit in sports mode the suspension’s harder than it really ought to be, it’s more my kind of thing than GranTurismo. I like em a bit ‘sweaty’, smaller and nimble, and revving it out. And I tend to think 1987-2007 is peak car for me personally...


Different cars for different things. If you have several cars and already have something super fast and scalpel sharp, then a Granturismo makes sense and fills the GT gap perfectly, especially when you have adult passengers.

RSM Masser

I’ve begun to think some people do this sort of cr p thinking it’s the right thing.

Someone took a fair bit of effort to bypass a relay on my car when it just need a new one for £8. I had a 540i a couple of years ago that someone had blacked out the ABS light instead of changing the sensor. It’s 15 mins to change the sensor but about 5 hours to take the dash apart and separate the binnacle to get to the paint the light over.

Sounds like the heater matrix on a 3200
Parts are peanuts - labour £££££££


Junior Member
I was yesterday offered £15k as a trade-in price for mine, 2008 4.7L GT-S MC Shift at 51k miles, bought from Nuvola 2 years ago. Don’t think it makes sense to sell...

Sam McGoo

I was yesterday offered £15k as a trade-in price for mine, 2008 4.7L GT-S MC Shift at 51k miles, bought from Nuvola 2 years ago. Don’t think it makes sense to sell...

:eek:Ouch!! They are taking the ****! They obviously didn't want it for whatever reason.
I really don't get how mileage sensitive these cars are. Its ridiculous. 51k miles is nothing on a modern car as long as it has good service history. You don't hear any stories of engines failing and other associated problems, the GT seems to be as reliable as anything else out there now, so why is mileage such an apparent issue?

Felonious Crud

Staff member
I was yesterday offered £15k as a trade-in price for mine, 2008 4.7L GT-S MC Shift at 51k miles, bought from Nuvola 2 years ago. Don’t think it makes sense to sell...

!!! That's insane. Unless you were trading against something amazing being sold for £10-15k less than you could buy it anywhere else then I agree, it's not worth it.

I traded mine (Jan 2009 GTS MC, 53k miles) for what I felt was a few £k below what I could / should have sold it for, but it let me get into a car that was, unusually, available privately via a small independent non-specialist for an excellent price. A year later and with 4k extra miles it would still be a fair price,