Spoon stirring


i don’t see any bullying, I see some rejoicing but not frivolous. The guy’s go to was to round on everyone that had a differing opinion to his as if he couldn’t possibly be wrong. Not the way this collective functions.

The way this reads to me:

We didnt bully him; but he could f off

Kind regards

"The Collective"


Very difficult to pass comment from memory as much of the thread is now gone. As abrasive as he was I did get the feeling at the time that he had been rounded on by the many for transgressions with the one.

Phil the Brit

The reason much of the thread is gone (although some is still up there from quotes) is because he removed most of his posts.
So I guess the guy didn't have the balls to stand by his written word.
Well this at least removed some of his prolific "look at me and how many posts have I got" posting.


Very difficult to pass comment from memory as much of the thread is now gone. As abrasive as he was I did get the feeling at the time that he had been rounded on by the many for transgressions with the one.

The way I remember it is the moment he decided to keep the GT things turned sour and certain individuals couldn't drop it.

"You teach people how to treat you" is what someone mentioned earlier and this guy was kept in a constant state of hostility - a baptism of fire from "The Collective" after taking on a rusty project car...

One thing for sure there will be another one of those along soon as there are scores of GPV/GT turning into dust as we speak. Hopefully the next person will get the stamp of approval or know to "get in line" like the rest of us mere non-collective people.


The way I remember it is the moment he decided to keep the GT things turned sour and certain individuals couldn't drop it.

"You teach people how to treat you" is what someone mentioned earlier and this guy was kept in a constant state of hostility - a baptism of fire from "The Collective" after taking on a rusty project car...

One thing for sure there will be another one of those along soon as there are scores of GPV/GT turning into dust as we speak. Hopefully the next person will get the stamp of approval or know to "get in line" like the rest of us mere non-collective people.

Everyone has their own opinions and all that, but I saw it as "I'm keeping the car so you're all wrong, and I'm right".
The subsequent comments were along the lines of, you may regret that, but good luck, but don't say we didn't tell you so, when you find it's not an easy or cheap fix.

At which point Spoons got aggressive with anyone didn't agree with him.


Everyone has their own opinions and all that, but I saw it as "I'm keeping the car so you're all wrong, and I'm right".
The subsequent comments were along the lines of, you may regret that, but good luck, but don't say we didn't tell you so, when you find it's not an easy or cheap fix.

At which point Spoons got aggressive with anyone didn't agree with him.

Did anyone consider he has the means to fix/replace the subframe or whatever else? We have seen people drop subframes on their garage floor using jack stands, Mr Spoon has access to a lift and fully tooled workshop at his disposal.

He faced an arrogant pack mentality tantamount to what is seen in a playground - I would be hostile if that was what I had to put up with on here. In retrospect I don't blame him for deleting all of his content... But I do think this has gone too far now and should be put to bed.


Did anyone consider he has the means to fix/replace the subframe or whatever else? We have seen people drop subframes on their garage floor using jack stands, Mr Spoon has access to a lift and fully tooled workshop at his disposal.

He faced an arrogant pack mentality tantamount to what is seen in a playground - I would be hostile if that was what I had to put up with on here. In retrospect I don't blame him for deleting all of his content... But I do think this has gone too far now and should be put to bed.

His mate had a lift. But let's clarify things. @philw696 with countless years of experience as a Maserati tech, said it's an absolute pig of a job and I believe the QP he did not so long ago took him a number of days.
Unless Spoons hasn't been truthful regarding what he does (selling oil) he isn't going to have the knowledge, tools or experience to be able to manage such a job himself.
He already spoke about 'a bit of wielding' which would surely make the car even more dangerous than it currently is?

A pack defends it's members when they are attacked. Which some did (rightly or wrongly) when others were attacked by Spoons. The collective knowledge on here far surpasses anything a novice, new to Maserati can ever possess, yet he thought he knew better and went about abusing and attacking others who disagreed with his opinion.

What's the saying? You can't teach stupid.

Phil H

The fact is that if you join an established social group and then swamp existing commentary with your own you may be regarded as pushy. If you reject experienced advice as being incorrect or unwelcome you may be seen as arrogant. If you don't accept that other folk are entitled to their opinions you may come across as being narrow minded. I didn't join Mr Spoon's debate but did watch as the thread unfolded, and from the outset he ticked at least two of the aforementioned boxes and then, under the guise of 'canvassing opinion', ran off to another forum to complain about this one. IMHO he wasn't bullied, but he did ruffle a few feathers and folk responded in kind; that's life, and tbh there are too many serious issues on the planet to get wound up about it.

And breathe.......


In my time on here now over 10 years I have seen many Great threads and projects carried out my many members on here.
We have gone from doing minor repairs to full on overhauls.
The knowledge on the forum has grown massively and no one can argue with that especially a first time owner into the marque.
Having worked for several manufacturers and on thousands of cars in my 43 years I'm going to say a rusty Maserati is probably the hardest of the lot.


I haven’t bothered to read all the comments on this thread (soz) and I didn’t want to increase the number of posts on it (I think he’ll be getting off on the amount of attention). But, I remember how he said he was a habitual joiner of motoring forums, had been on most of them and would wind everyone up until he left them. Hence the name. So he made it pretty clear from the start that he was in it for the (re)action.


I haven’t bothered to read all the comments on this thread (soz) and I didn’t want to increase the number of posts on it (I think he’ll be getting off on the amount of attention). But, I remember how he said he was a habitual joiner of motoring forums, had been on most of them and would wind everyone up until he left them. Hence the name. So he made it pretty clear from the start that he was in it for the (re)action.
As you say, he might be getting off on the amount of attention he is (still) getting. Maybe not, but it’s quite possible. If so, we continue stoking his fire, likely best just forgotten. Incidentally, who was bird cage ?


Sea Urchin Pate
Birdsh!t was another idiot from way back. Did I miss something? Has someone else gone off in a huff?


Forum Owner
Birdsh!t was another idiot from way back. Did I miss something? Has someone else gone off in a huff?
He was actually the person who took over the now defunded maseratiforum.co.uk from Gav (good guy) and ruled with an iron fist. As a result this place came about with the lesson learned not to over moderate more self moderate.
Other sites are available

I assume it’s the full jobbie, it’s 12mins, didn’t watch it, coz well, you probably had to be there.
Nice one ! Thank you. I keep forgetting about Vimeo.
What made it priceless. Besides the perfect timing. Was the fact that André Previn was one of the top classical conductors in the world at that time. Certainly in the West. Leonard Bernstein was a peer. As was von Karajan and Kleiber. Arguably, these four did most to popularise the classics. Though I simply can't imagine any of the others appearing on a light entertainment television show, while at the peak of their career.
Let alone playing straight man to Eric Morecombe.