Manual Maserati 228 anyone?


Not my thing but I’d certainly pick a Ghibli II GT manual over most things if I had £30k spare. Gets tricky versus a GranSport, mind...


Who would have that over other trident available at that money or less (GS, GTS, QPV to name a few)?
A different market, as you say those who aspire to a GS, GTS etc. wouldn't usually be looking . Nice to see an old survivor though.


A different market, as you say those who aspire to a GS, GTS etc. wouldn't usually be looking . Nice to see an old survivor though.
I agree, that is quite pretty in red with the cream and blue interior and the two door is rare too so price probably justified before the lockdown, not so convinced now though it is fairly priced.......time will tell I guess


Who would have that over other trident available at that money or less (GS, GTS, QPV to name a few)?

Depends on your situation, over here VRT kills prestige cars, you can't even enter a Maserati on the government calculator as it is classed as a specialist car which means you have to ring them and they can make up a number. The only way around this is get something over 30 years old and an early 90s Biturbo era car is pretty close to that, a good 222 SR or Racing would be high on my list as a realistic daily drive Maser


Depends on your situation, over here VRT kills prestige cars, you can't even enter a Maserati on the government calculator as it is classed as a specialist car which means you have to ring them and they can make up a number. The only way around this is get something over 30 years old and an early 90s Biturbo era car is pretty close to that, a good 222 SR or Racing would be high on my list as a realistic daily drive Maser

I looked at an 07 QP5 in Bluebell on at 17k Euro, VRT paid, Dublin plate, so seller was telling me if I took it back to UK I'd get 7k Euro back. Think also I read somewhere the percentage OMSP they use for Masers etc is 39% so sounds about right.

Having said that, I've been in Dublin two years out of the last three in the QP still on yellow plates and never been stopped by the guards, I reckon they think it belongs to the Kinehan gang or something. They did stop me for a weapons search once and once for an no reason I couldn't fathom on Dollymount Road, 6:00am on way to early ferry. Never asked me anything at all or spoke to me. The Mrs has been stopped three times in a year by the guards, twice for yellow plates (resulting in a visit by the Revenue and a fine) and once to be breathalysed outside the Hole in the Wall near Phoenix Park at Xmas. 6:30pm, what a daft time to catch drunk drivers - before they get drunk and drive!! She was clear by way, as you'd expect...

The whole VRT thing stinks, you're not even allowed to sell a car you've imported (VRT exempt) that you've owned in UK for six months or more for 12 months, which must be against every trading law in the book. I'm sure you can't be forced to keep something I mean like what happens if you need the money?

Here's a strange non-related thing, I installed RTE Player on my Apple TV when in Dublin, brought it to UK, got locked down, and it still works here in UK. Odd since BBC iPlayer is geo-blocked in Ireland, and I can't use the RTE Player on on Macs here.

Not really interesting, there's feck all on RTE anyway.


I think these are very pretty. I actually think they have a purer shape and better proportions than a Ghibli II. And the seats and interior are definitely nicer. Sadly, they don’t seem to have the following of a Ghibli so achieving that price in any market could be a challenge


There looks like there a quite a few lights lit that are hidden by the steering wheel. Fuel, seatbelt, door open maybe or worse?


This car has been listed a couple of times recently but obviously never sold. The same guy also lists another Biturbo in Martini race livery from time to time, again, never seeming to get any interest.

Claims to be not far from me but never seen either car around.


Junior Member
Looks like a poverty spec 222SE , the 222 had the same 2.8 liter engine , mine is a RHD with 5 speed box and the much nicer 16in wheels . Red with the same silver interior. I wish I could get £15k for it.


I like the 228 shape and proportions and this is to be in reasonably good nick.

To everyone saying this is overpriced, do you know how much a 911 of the same era and less power cost today?


Depends on your situation, over here VRT kills prestige cars, you can't even enter a Maserati on the government calculator as it is classed as a specialist car which means you have to ring them and they can make up a number. The only way around this is get something over 30 years old and an early 90s Biturbo era car is pretty close to that, a good 222 SR or Racing would be high on my list as a realistic daily drive Maser
Classicmobilia in Milton Keynes has something that might be up your Strada. Mention me to Keith if you do follow it up...