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That new pic is lovely but it looks like a 10 year old Ferrari. Suppose I should reserve judgement till the official pics.


Launching a new car at this point is fraught with issues. not sure how the market is going to be so could be a potential disaster but it does look good


i think it looks like updated Mas GS and I like it... start saving my pound coins and I should have enough by the time its released...


Forum Owner
i think it looks like updated Mas GS and I like it... start saving my pound coins and I should have enough by the time its released...
Not saying I don't like it, I do, in fact a F458 is a car I always loved so seeing as this is similar, it could still be a winner.

Its just the looks are not over angled like modern thinking...not saying that is a bad thing.
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This could be a way of reducing the average age of a Maserati buyer. The Alfieri is what most of us old fogeys want, but we’re a dying breed.

I expect the idea was cooked up a few years back now, when Ghibli 3 sales weren’t what they predicted. Mercedes went through a similar process awhile back and seem to be on every young person’s list nowadays. We might not see an SLR 722 everyday, but we do see the performance Benzes on the internet/TV a lot and see thousands of lesser models on the streets. JLR have tried, but not cracked it. Their Project cars may be awesome, but they’re not featured in much beyond Harry’s Garage. The Full Fat Range Rovers peaked when footballers started buying G Wagons, just to be able to find them amongst their WAGs’ cars in the training ground car park. The F type is pretty to my eyes, but I need reading glasses nowadays, as I expect do most people who drive them.

Being a player in the top(-ish) end of the Sportscar market could be just what FCA needs to get more hits and clicks to shift more hybrid Ghiblis and Levantes.

Must be a hard call for the marketing team launching into what hopefully will be a post Pandemic world, but if the performance stacks up and the vloggers are craving new stuff, it could get plenty of attention amongst the younger generations.

Whether the world actually needs a new sports car or not is a moot point, but I hope the new Trident makes my kids giggly.


You can see a lot of inspiration from other manufacturers in many other cars. Jaguar updated their look with the new XE, XF and XJ so why not Maserati.


Not saying I don't like it, I do, in fact a F458 is a car I always loved so seeing as this is similar, it could still be a winner.

Its just the looks are not over angles like modern thinking...not saying that is a bad thing.

I agree, the F458 is about as good as they get for a mid-engine dictated supercar shape. Mix that with the Gran Tourismo and I'd be happy. The blue car looks lovely. Time to save pennies (in three years, when they actually come to market, and some other fool takes the depreciation hit) to buy one if so.


Lot of 4C and Ferrari going on there, I can see a bit of the Alfa Diva in there too which was a car I wish they had built


Whats with the silly white fangs!

Tired of seeing some rags rendering of what they think it may look like tbh.


Forum Owner
Initial thought, front and to rear haunches, lovely, actually, stunning.

Rear, I think they could have been more daring, a bit of craziness 3200/Alfieri rear lights would have been my preference, and not just going the easy route of standard twin round lights to set it apart from the rest of the pack, especially Ferrari.

I would also like to see the size, of its Stance, ‘compact’ like a 4C Would not work for me.

What would you pay for it? Well, £180~200k, no way. It’s a £100k or just over car.