Hi guys, I am the new owner of a MC stradale EU 2011 and I am solving the same problem as on this forum. After about a week of parking, I started it, drove out of the garage and turned off the ignition. When starting off, I felt that the clutch was engaging too high, only at about 1800 rpm, but I did not pay attention to it. After about ten minutes I wanted to start it again, but it was no longer possible. It remained in 1st gear and "gearbox unavailable". After connecting Launch diag, no faults, clutch life 75%. The only problem was the battery life 20%. I bought a new battery and tried to "play" with the diagnostics. I could not complete the gearbox settings, when 5-6 gear ended with "failed". Unfortunately, I also ran DEIS with the same result. I tried to connect my TCU to my brother's GT-S F1 and again "transmission unavailable"
I have a friend who repairs control units of various car brands, but he does not have the necessary software from a working EPROM. I do not know anyone who would be willing to provide this software. So I bought a used TCU from a MC stradale 2011 on eBay, unfortunately the Japan version. I have a question?
Is it possible to use the TCU MC str.-japan to MC str.-EU ?...or software from EPROM?
Czech Rep.
I have a friend who repairs control units of various car brands, but he does not have the necessary software from a working EPROM. I do not know anyone who would be willing to provide this software. So I bought a used TCU from a MC stradale 2011 on eBay, unfortunately the Japan version. I have a question?
Is it possible to use the TCU MC str.-japan to MC str.-EU ?...or software from EPROM?
Czech Rep.