Cleaning equipment - Cotswold Stone, the perfect abrasive


Don't know what your car has been treated with, but I've just ordered some 'Harley Wax' and these are the instructions he has sent with it
Many thanks for your payment. Your Harly Wax will be sent out by first class post today.

To apply the wax, simply rub the applicator pad into the tin and caress it into the paintwork. Once the pad becomes saturated with the carnauba wax, it glides over the paint like butter.

The best way is to wax the entire car, wait for 30 mins for the wax to harden, and then buff off.

I suggest you also wax your headlights and rear lights because Harly Wax has a very strong natural sun screen and will help to prevent them fading/oxidizing. If you wax the front number plate you will find next time you wash the car the bugs will wash off much easier due to the layer of carnauba wax - no shampoo is needed with a good coat of Harly Wax.

I strongly recommend quality microfibre cloths (avoid the cheap ones) for buffing off. Do not use stockinette.

I find the most effective way to buff the wax off is to hold a microfibre cloth in each hand and work your way around the car to remove the bulk of the wax; these cloths will then be clogged in wax. Then get two more clean microfibre cloths and repeat the process until all the wax is buffed off.

Once your vehicle has a good coat of Harly Wax you will find it's very easy to clean from then on. You will not need any shampoo or warm/hot water, just a wash mitt or sponge and cold water; you will be amazed how easily the dirt comes off. I always wax the wheels for the same reason and never need to use acidic wheels cleaners. The Harly Wax protection lasts longer if you avoid warm/hot water and shampoo. If you do want to use shampoo, try not to make the concentration too strong.

Enjoy your waxing!


Have you
Alternative to the car port ?

I had a similar dilemma last summer with local construction work, constant dust clouds settling on the cars when they were meant to be using dust suppression measures, despite numerous polite requests, emails and discussions with the developer in the end winter came and the dust turned to mud but I am already dreading the next dust cloud.
This summer I will be contacting planning and environmental health when it returns.
I feel your pain

View attachment 82768
Have you had this fitted or is it just a suggestion, I have looked longingly at these myself but have b got as far as getting an estimate to supply and fit?


if you snow foam, I wouldn't suggest a jetwash to rinse, run the end of a hose over the foam so your not blasting the rock dust into the paint. once done I would repeat this if still have rock dust otherwise foam and then jetwash off.
maybe use warm water in the foam bottle may also help


if you snow foam, I wouldn't suggest a jetwash to rinse, run the end of a hose over the foam so your not blasting the rock dust into the paint. once done I would repeat this if still have rock dust otherwise foam and then jetwash off.
maybe use warm water in the foam bottle may also help
Jet wash I use can be adjusted to a fine mist which dilutes the foam to run off.


Alternative to the car port ?

I had a similar dilemma last summer with local construction work, constant dust clouds settling on the cars when they were meant to be using dust suppression measures, despite numerous polite requests, emails and discussions with the developer in the end winter came and the dust turned to mud but I am already dreading the next dust cloud.
This summer I will be contacting planning and environmental health when it returns.
I feel your pain

View attachment 82768
Indeed. In the last 5 years the output has more than doubled without restraint. The surrounding community and hamlets are really quite fed up as is Cotswold Farm Park (Country File): operating hours,vehicle movements, traffic violations, spillage, pollution. A group of us divide it up. Planning governance and operating controls, environment, highways, law enforcement. Calling them all to account.


Have you

Have you had this fitted or is it just a suggestion, I have looked longingly at these myself but have b got as far as getting an estimate to supply and fit?

Sadly it was just a suggestion, I'd love one but would want the tunnel to the house via the wine cellar option too ;)


Alternative to the car port ?

I had a similar dilemma last summer with local construction work, constant dust clouds settling on the cars when they were meant to be using dust suppression measures, despite numerous polite requests, emails and discussions with the developer in the end winter came and the dust turned to mud but I am already dreading the next dust cloud.
This summer I will be contacting planning and environmental health when it returns.
I feel your pain

View attachment 82768

At least you have the decency to bury the porker. ~this is a Maserati forum ! :cool:


Sadly it was just a suggestion, I'd love one but would want the tunnel to the house via the wine cellar option too ;)
There is a chap round the corner from me that has one, it’s small very ordinary house and I have never seen what he keeps underground. One day I will tap his door and find out more about it / install costs etc. Might be the cheapest way to get my cars garaged without having to move !

Felonious Crud

Staff member
I would always worry it would fill with water!

Probably best to wash it above ground in that case.

More seriously, I'd have the same concern. You'd need some proper drainage and pumping equipment to avoid aquatic disasters.


Sure, it is important to keep our cars looking nice, but what about the health issues?

Silicosis is not a lot of fun...


Noticed one of these underground system is basically a shipping container with a large scissor jack, dig the hole, drop it in and fill round the edges.


Noticed one of these underground system is basically a shipping container with a large scissor jack, dig the hole, drop it in and fill round the edges.

Wouldn't it rust, buried like that? And then eventually fill with water?



The ones I have seen on line are less crude than a buried shipping container, more like a lined and drained concrete hole with pump back up.
The car is kept in sealed insulated and dehumidified container - but I imagine there has to be some risks.