Brexit Deal


I just wish all these so say educated leaders can start behaving seriously to sort this mess out.
Having never been educated to a high level and only have my trade certificates which have got me around the World none of them would know a hard day or nights graft and that's what's going to be needed to get things back on top.
I'm Proud of being a British person living in Europe doing what we can do best which is work hard and we are respected for it if not considered a little mad.
If we the workers say we can and will do it it gets done.
Hence me working 84 hour weeks around Europe.
As for these Clowns that have created this Mess with many lies just creating personal wealth I for one hope they lose it all.
Me I can continue Grafting done it for over 40 years.
What do you reckon Wattie ?


Well I agree that It’s in everyone interests to avoid “no deal”. Goes without saying.

Mays deal is truly diabolical tho for the UK, for both leavers and remainers- we lose our sovereignty. Hence you see how she has sold us down the river by the EU trying to hold us to her bollox.

I’d rather remain than swallow that total POS and be subservient to the Eu.

It is totally and utterly unacceptable.

So, if the Eu doesn’t renegotiate we’re better leaving under no deal than that shite and We’ll be fine in time.

The Eu’s demise will be hastened as It’s economic situation will be worsened. Germany is paying for most of the Eu and it’s screwed. I’d refuse them the cash under that scenario too.

I reckon that both the Eu and Uk leaders will begin to come under pressure from all other world leaders to reach a compromise.
They all know and so do their respective central bankers that the Eu Ponzi, pretend everything is ok Us economy based on the stock market is great we’re hunky Dorey ( it’s fecked too), struggling China economy (because of us trade wars) and a totally screwed Japanese situation simply will not be able to handle the economic shock of a “no deal”.
Australia and NZD are in massive trouble too. QE and huge interest rate cuts are coming!

The closer it gets to D-day, departarture day. The more you’ll hear them all squeal.

If nothing happens and we’re out “no deal” , global stock markets (which are already imploding) will fall 25-40%.
GFC II will come even sooner.
Which is why I say get gold.
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Please tell me you’re all making money out of this... it could pay for your next Masser, divide Golds gains since your bank interest’s like 30 years worth.
90 odd days left, sterling is gonna plummet until there is a sign of a deal.
Pm me if you’re missing out, I’ll sort you out.

All time highs in GBP, AUD, CAD and 6 year highs in let’s pretend € and $ well as All time highs in ANOTHER 72 other countries worldwide.

Writings on the wall, you’ve just gotta read it.
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And for those with an Eu puersuasion.
how does this stack up with your deposit rates?..

Beware the Ponzi.


What if somewhere there is a shed load of gold and the guy sells it? Say 200k metric tons

Or he’s found out how to turn base metals into the purest green to revive this friend’s fortune?


What if somewhere there is a shed load of gold and the guy sells it? Say 200k metric tons

Or he’s found out how to turn base metals into the purest green to revive this friend’s fortune?
It won’t make a jot of a difference as it’s probably the most undervalued asset on the planet.
You can print money out of thin air.
There’s a finite supply of gold.
Once it’s gone.........
Which probably explains why Central Banks are buying more gold than they have done in half a century.
Feel free to look it up online.
“Do what they do, not what these lying banking bastards say”


I don’t get why gold? There’s other rare and rarer things. I can only think it’s about confidence, which is abstract. Surely it can go as quickly as it can rise?

Orange juice!! Sell, sell, sell! Buy, buy, buy....


That's the one.


Might revisit Blackadder tonight for bedtime viewing, Series 2-4, Series 1 was rubbish, and anything else apart from the King Charles one and Scrooge one aren't worthy.

The Earl of Essex had a Thousand Sovereigns
He gave them all away to the man with the axe


Serious Q
Is it too late to buy Gold have we all missed the boat?
Absolutely not, this global financial situation is really’re just not being told.
When central banks start talking about money printing and reducing interest rates you know it’s bad- how can the economic situation be good in those circumstances.
Those solutions didn’t work before so they won’t work again, there is simply too much unrepayable debt!!!,

I think it’s going to rocket as the global economy is in huge trouble, another GFC is likely. Gbp £ is in trouble too because of Brexit. In recent years it’s gone from $2-1, $1.5-1, $1.22-1 and they talking about potentially 1-1!!! That’s a 20% gain potentially if you get $ assets now.
Gold is a $ asset so it protects you and you gain.

There’s a saying “do what they do, not what they say!”

Central Banks are buying gold at the fastest rate in history!


Pm me.
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I don’t get why gold? There’s other rare and rarer things. I can only think it’s about confidence, which is abstract. Surely it can go as quickly as it can rise?

Orange juice!! Sell, sell, sell! Buy, buy, buy....
It’s not just gold, other assets protect too. Gold is what the banks buy so do as they do.
Our current FIAT currency system is based on confidence........and that can go quickly. Look at Venezuela, Zimbabwe........using currency as toilet paper.....
The economy is in trouble and nothing was solved after the’s worse than ever


Absolutely not, this global financial situation is really’re just not being told.
When central banks start talking about money printing and reducing interest rates you know it’s bad- how can the economic situation be good in those circumstances.
Those solutions didn’t work before so they won’t work again, there is simply too much unrepayable debt!!!,

I think it’s going to rocket as the global economy is in huge trouble, another GFC is likely. Gbp £ is in trouble too because of Brexit. In recent years it’s gone from $2-1, $1.5-1, $1.22-1 and they talking about potentially 1-1!!! That’s a 20% gain potentially if you get $ assets now.
Gold is a $ asset so it protects you and you gain.

There’s a saying “do what they do, not what they say!”

Central Banks are buying gold at the fastest rate in history!


Pm me.
Hi Wattie

From your posts it seems you are quite convinced of an impending financial Armageddon and total melt down of the current financial and political systems. How have you protected yourself and loved ones from the likely impact? Have you gone as far as making physical preparations for such an event? I.e. storing food and planning a safe place to hide out whilst the civil unrest unfolds? I assume you have done more than invest in gold. You are clearly more informed than most so keen to understand what plans I should be making. Thanks
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Hi Wattie

From your posts it seems you are quite convinced of an impending financial Armageddon and total melt down of the current financial and political systems. How have you protected yourself and loved ones from the likely impact? Have you gone as far as making physical preparations for such an event? I.e. storing food and planning a safe place to hide out whilst the civil unrest unfolds? I assume you have done more than invest in gold. You are clearly more informed than most so keen to understand what plans I should be making. Thanks
Well my idea of financial Armageddon may be different from yours.

I see the situation where populations in parts of the world will wake up and discover they have limited access to their saving/bank deposits to prevent bank runs. Money in a bank is the banks property,NOT YOURS and most people dont recognise this!
Banks are no longer trustworthy- indeed they have become criminal organisations beyond the law. Look at all the scandals they have been involved in, yet no-one has been jailed.
Indeed I witnessed and lived through a bank deposit confiscation in Cyprus during the GFC. Fortunately, I saw it coming and moved money out of the country prior to it.
A daily allowance was given, large transfers banned along with international transfers above the daily allowance


So I invest in physical precious metals (this gives me the legal ownership), vaulted worldwide, beyond the banking system and indeed i hold some at home. I also keep minimal cash in the bank and hold cash at home. I invest in hard assets ie property in different countries and hold multiple currencies for flexibility. I have minimal debt- 12% of assets.

I take an interest in financial matters and what’s going on so I can prepare. I read and suggest everyone does.

My idea of Armageddon doesn’t involve the breakdown of society. Most people don’t have a clue what’s going on and the central bankers/politicians will spin it so they still don’t......and they will accept the situation -like they did in Cyprus.
An example of this is Trump claiming the Us economy is the strongest it’s ever been, then he criticizes the Fed for not lowering interest rates enough and he demands they start more money printing.
Look at what he said before he was president.
Its now at 26000 and is totally reliant on new Fed easing or it will collapse!
This would not be needed in a strong economy.

Trumps trying to fool Americans that the massively overvalued Stockmarket (a wealth effect which the Fed has already admitted back in 2016, around the17,600 Dow level, consistant with Trumps statement)
) is a sign the economies good. It isn’t and if the Fed doesn’t do it and reduce rates it will crash! The US stock markets are another Ponzi scheme with the fed providing the new money to keep it going! Look at how the markets reacted in December when the Fed threatened to take the punchbowl away....and last week at the disappointment of no QE and a less than expected rate cut.

Economists/analyst/ traders/ news organisations/ bankers/politiciams must ALL know this but no-one says it!

Given the above I don’t store food and in the society breakdown situation frankly you need a gun and to be prepared to use it. I don’t, I wouldn’t be and in that scenario I’m not sure I’d wanna be around anyway. It would be tribal and a horrible environment to live in.

The above , like the GFC, affects one type of individual. Savers, who have worked hard and done the right thing. They will be the ones bailing out society. I’m doing everything I can to have control of my assets..... I'm not gonna give it to bankers and i'm not gonna be fooled by politicians.

Debtors, have nothing to lose.

There is nothing surprising at all.......Something is VERY VERY wrong!
You've just got to look around you and be willing to see it and if you have an advisor who is not telling you this get a new one!!

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Thanks for taking the time on explaining further Wattie.
What a Crazy period we're living in.
I have just experienced my first glitch expecting a payment for work done 2 months ago and not yet received.
Thankfully I have reserves but not like you have.
Watching things closely for sure.