A few notes about buying a car in Italy and other useful titbits.


These are from the S Times today.

1. You need to be able to have proof of residence to buy a new or used car in Italy ( I can only assume this is to use or insure in in Italy, ie not export...my words!)

2. If taking your car there for more than 90 days most insurance companies won't insure you, a few do, Adelaide insurance will double that limit if your a member of the IAM. If over 50 ( applies to 82.67% of guys on here...;)...) take out SAGA insurance with no limits.......wonder if they cover Masers!!!???

3 Use an ex-pat forum to ask a few questions......

tinyurl.com/3wyshgz. This doesn't go to said site....help?!

One or two others -



Finally JC noted Ferrari now offering 7 year warranties and comments about the bullet proof build quality of Audi built Lambos.....

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