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  1. strictly

    Quattroporte/QP 2009 Bose NIT Silverbox: Suspected HDD Failure

    Either it is your NIT or it could some how be related to the battery. My local detailer put a ceramic coat on my car, despite me giving him a ctek charger and saying the batteries are fussy, he completely flattened the battery, as he didn't use the ctek and had the doors open for 2 days. I...
  2. strictly

    New oil filter...pre oiled by factory?

    P.s interestingly, I notice my passenger seat does shake at idle, this is before the oil change, I will reassess after following the above
  3. strictly

    New oil filter...pre oiled by factory?

    That's awesome advice! Oops I've already done the sump nut to 60nm, hopefully I will be OK and will do the above next time. Wow that's really intresting about the level, I only put 8 and a bit in, so I still have time to finish as per your advice above. Thanks for taking the time to write it all
  4. strictly

    New oil filter...pre oiled by factory?

    Ah ok, good to know, there did seem to be some oil in my filter and that makes alot of sense. Incidentally I did fill mine a bit then turn 90 degrees and slowly turn to make sure it soaked around. I did not fill so much that I spilled anyway I installed it. Just to keep going for anyone...
  5. strictly


    There you go, you've heard it from Matt who knows his stuff, so get the triple qx blue and leave it at that. It would have been nice if their documention stated if it was HOAT or OAT and or NAP free, along with or without silicates...but it dosent, so forget about it! For me personally I've got...
  6. strictly

    New oil filter...pre oiled by factory?

    Ah ok, that is good know in which case I won't add any oil, I don't normally
  7. strictly

    New oil filter...pre oiled by factory?

    Yes new sealed from eurospares. A bit more goggling shows it is normal. So the only thing that says to me, is that either it is tested during production, or despite the workshop manual not saying anything, that they should have some...
  8. strictly

    New oil filter...pre oiled by factory?

    I have never seen this ever before, but this is my first maserati. The new engine oil filter is quite oily. It does not appear to be have much oil inside it, but there is plenty around the seal. Does anyone know why? When I fit, should I half or quarter fill with oil? It is not something I...
  9. strictly

    Long overdue?

    You'll be pleased to know i always try and present my cars for a first time pass. I look everything over, fix or occasionally hide what I need to (rust holes). Then send er in. I like advisorys as that gives me a job list with no time pressure.
  10. strictly

    Locking Wheelnut

    You'll be pleased to know i bin the locking wheel nuts on all my cars including my GT. I've only once seen a car on the side of the road on bricks with no wheels fitted. That was a subaru in Bristol about 15 years ago
  11. strictly


    I agree totally my head is spinning, on the subject of POAT, presumably this is with the phosphates re added. Do we know why the phosphates were removed in the first place? Was it environmental or corrosion to aluminium related? Again presumably the POATs have other additives that then work...
  12. strictly


    I think that is good, and good to know. Fair reasoning. OAT/G30 is all gravey from what I can read. I will add a little more as unfortunately for you guys the OCD in me also keeps me reading, so what I have since learnt, is G48 contains 2-EHA which eu regulations are now restricting, and while...
  13. strictly


    Lol indeed!
  14. strictly


    I have come full circle for anyone trying to follow In my footsteps... GLYCOSHELL LONGLIFE is silicate, borate and NAP free. It is OAT, it is red. The following all contain BASF glysantin g30 (comma xstream g30, halfords g30, valvoline zerex G30). Paraflu Up is the same but I've not looked into...
  15. strictly


    OK, I'm putting this to bed for my self, jumping to a GT2015 owners manual (see picture). It looks like either glycoshell (HOAT) or glycoshell longlife (OAT) are suitable. Which Is basically G48 (HOAT) vs G30 (OAT). On the basis the BASF glysantin 30 which is also in both halfords and comma...
  16. strictly


    P.p.s I will add one more thing. The BASF Glysantin 48 = Glycoshell is based on the information above with matching shell TDS stating the hybrid and low silicates. Because the Internet is a minefield...there is also a shell glycoshell longlife, with is just a OAT and does not contain...
  17. strictly


    P.s great analysis, I like how you broke it down
  18. strictly


    OK thanks, indeed a good book and some horlicks might be a good idea. I have taken the above on board, indeed i will not lose sleep on using tap water. I always have. I now also know BASF incidentally also state deinonised water. EDIT i have added something at the end and 2 posts down. Time...
  19. strictly


    Ok thanks! One more question and yes I am overthinking it, but I plan to keep my GT forever. Aldrousvoice states to mix with deionised water. See picture. Link below Valvoline zerex g05 seems popular with the...
  20. strictly


    I'm going to add to my post above, read that first.... So the kool guard Meg...its blue and is meets cuna 956-16, it is also phosphate and nitrite free, but is apparently IAT which based on the above is exactly what we don't if that's true. Then being blue, meeting cuna 956-16 and...