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  1. Chiveroni

    She's gone and left me.... :-(

    Well, after two wonderful years my Italian mistress has left me and is now with another man. And to make things worse - my best friend! It was a tough decision but Villanelle has been sold. It was quite a heart wrenching feeling watching her being driven off yesterday. But she's going to a good...
  2. Chiveroni

    'Check Engine' message whilst in Austria

    I spent 20.years living in Germany (mostly Wiesbaden) - unfortunately know the state of Belgium motorways way too well. So we started in Wiesbaden for a few days visiting our daughter and then drove to a favourite hotel in Niederthai (Õtztal) - North Tirol. We drove to Merano via Timmelsjoch...
  3. Chiveroni

    'Check Engine' message whilst in Austria

    Hi everyone. Sorry for the delay in answering - got back from holiday and was hit by COVID Anyway - the fault reset by the Merc garage worked. Drove from Austria to Germany, stayed overnight and then drove back to the UK and the fault hasn't come back I was charged 91€ for this - I didn't find...
  4. Chiveroni

    'Check Engine' message whilst in Austria

    I found the post in the forum regarding the Bosch alternatives and will order the required sensor when I get back home this weekend. Prices are very reasonable from Bosch. AutoDoc has even cheaper variants but I think I'll stick with Bosch quality.
  5. Chiveroni

    AcarDash Android 1:1 2024 Granturismo Sat Nav upgrade - Anyone actually done it?

    Hi Catman The first unit they sent me worked with the steering wheel buttons. The replacement doesn't. I'm questioning the quality of their equipment. I'll continue to work with them when I get back from holiday. I can't fault their level of support. Very quick responses and they do try to find...
  6. Chiveroni

    'Check Engine' message whilst in Austria

    Ok - panic over. Garage called and it's just the Lambda sensor that failed. They've reset the warning but I assume the warning will come back when I collect it tomorrow. Will wait and see. But now some questions if anyone can help. Am I correct that there are two sensors? Upstream and...
  7. Chiveroni

    AcarDash Android 1:1 2024 Granturismo Sat Nav upgrade - Anyone actually done it?

    I upgraded - must admit I'm getting a little frustrated. First one they sent was hissing (through the speakers) and something wrong with the screen. Something (foil?) separating from the rear of the screen. They sent me a new unit and cables but you have to pay to ship the old unit back (between...
  8. Chiveroni

    'Check Engine' message whilst in Austria

    Hi all Car has behaved wonderfully all the way to Germany and then on to Austria. Also had a great trip over the Timmelsjoch to Merano in Italy. Then, today (2 days before we return home) the check engine message and light came on after a short while driving. Have dropped it off at a near-by...
  9. Chiveroni

    My Maserati DOESN'T do 185.....

    The journey to Germany was fine - no traffic jams, no delays at the tunnel, have had very many worse journeys. But you could be right with the tyres. They need changing but not the highest prio right now.
  10. Chiveroni

    Fuel tank door actuator / solenoid failing

    I'll pop it off when I get back home in 2 weeks. I managed to get just about all the way to Wiesbaden on a tank of fuel - just filled it up the once and the door opened automatically. Of course it won't when it's pouring withe rain and a long queue of impatient Germans behind me
  11. Chiveroni

    My Maserati DOESN'T do 185.....

    Hi Catman. No wear issues - all the tyres look good. Maybe I should take it to somewhere in Germany / Austria where they are used to cars travelling at these kinds of speeds. The tyres are those that came with the car - P-zeros on the rear and Uniroyal Rainsport 5 at the front. Not the best I...
  12. Chiveroni

    Fuel tank door actuator / solenoid failing

    Hi again So, sods law, the day before I leave for holiday the petrol cap cover refused to work. Opens ok by pulling the cord. When I got home I removed the actuator and greased everything up with some teflon grease (all I had to hand at short notice). It now works but not all the time -...
  13. Chiveroni

    My Maserati DOESN'T do 185.....

    Hi everyone Excuse my play on the Joe Walsh lyrics but I need your sage advice. After 2 years of very happy ownership I have finally gotten around to taking Villanelle on a European road trip from the UK to Germany (from where I am writing this email) where SWMBO and I will stay for a few...
  14. Chiveroni

    Replacement media and ventilation controls arrived

    No - no cutting at all. Just remove the OEM stuff and this slots straight in.
  15. Chiveroni

    Replacement media and ventilation controls arrived

    Honestly - no problem at all. Plenty of space.
  16. Chiveroni

    What have you done to your Maserati today?

    I too am doing a prom delivery in July for a neighbour's daughter.
  17. Chiveroni

    What have you done to your Maserati today?

    It's the same size and shape as the head unit installed in the new GT (evidently). It's honestly not too big - just about perfect. Downloaded Spotify music today and installed Netflix - for those long waits at the tunnel . Sorted most of the niggles though there is a slight, quiet static/crackle...
  18. Chiveroni

    Replacement media and ventilation controls arrived

    Excellent!!!! You won't be disappointed - limited experience so far but loving it. If I can, in any way, help then just drop me a line.