Anybody know this Blue QP VU05 EUB



MOT history looks OK

Check the MOT history of a vehicle
Registration number: W8AGF

Vehicle make MASERATI Vehicle model QUATTROPORTE Date first used 5 August 2005 Fuel type Petrol Colour Blue

MOT history of this vehicle

Test date 6 June 2016 Expiry date 5 June 2017 Test Result Pass Odometer reading 79,560 miles MOT test number 1344 4886 8538 Advisory notice item(s)
nearside rear Tyre worn close to the legal limit (4.1.E.1)
offside rear Tyre worn close to the legal limit (4.1.E.1)

Test date 3 June 2015 Expiry date 2 June 2016 Test Result Pass Odometer reading 73,356 miles MOT test number 7391 0475 5159

Test date 3 June 2015 Test Result Fail Odometer reading 73,356 miles MOT test number 9788 3435 5167 Reason(s) for failure
Rear Tyre tread depth below requirements of 1.6mm (4.1.E.1)

Test date 4 December 2013 Expiry date 3 December 2014 Test Result Pass Odometer reading 73,085 miles MOT test number 6291 1803 3395

Test date 25 October 2013 Test Result Fail Odometer reading 73,085 miles MOT test number 2373 6899 3217 Reason(s) for failure
Nearside Front Tyre tread depth below requirements of 1.6mm (4.1.E.1)
Windscreen has damage to an area in excess of a 10mm circle within zone 'A' (8.3.1a)
Advisory notice item(s)
Offside Front Tyre worn close to the legal limit (4.1.E.1)

Test date 21 February 2013 Expiry date 21 February 2014 Test Result Pass Odometer reading 66,198 miles MOT test number 2857 3235 3002

Test date 17 February 2012 Expiry date 21 February 2013 Test Result Pass Odometer reading 53,208 miles MOT test number 2798 9834 2071 Advisory notice item(s)
Nearside Front Tyre worn close to the legal limit (4.1.E.1)
Offside Front Tyre worn close to the legal limit (4.1.E.1)
Nearside Rear Tyre worn close to the legal limit (4.1.E.1)
Offside Rear Tyre worn close to the legal limit (4.1.E.1)

Test date 22 February 2011 Expiry date 21 February 2012 Test Result Pass Odometer reading 40,621 miles MOT test number 1096 2315 1000

Test date 3 February 2010 Expiry date 2 February 2011 Test Result Pass Odometer reading 36,121 miles MOT test number 5122 1483 0035

Test date 26 August 2008 Expiry date 25 August 2009 Test Result Pass Odometer reading 26,559 miles MOT test number 3619 1933 8294 Advisory notice item(s)
brake disc worn, pitted or scored, but not seriously weakened (3.5.1i)

Test date 26 August 2008 Test Result Fail Odometer reading 26,559 miles MOT test number 9709 6983 8214 Reason(s) for failure
Rear registration plate deteriorated (6.3.1d)
Advisory notice item(s)
brake disc worn, pitted or scored, but not seriously weakened (3.5.1i)


But it was only 9k so was never going to be perfect.....expect **** history....


You're probably right , if i want to keep my health I need to sell the 4200 first really anyway

If it's had the same owner for 5 years I wonder why it was off the road for most of 2014


You're probably right , if i want to keep my health I need to sell the 4200 first really anyway

If it's had the same owner for 5 years I wonder why it was off the road for most of 2014

There could be a load of perfectly innocent reasons. Ill health, working abroad, family issues. Who knows



You're not helping :D

I'd think a swap is optimistic , given his stock list the mileage will be too high and I'm not going any lower , if I can't get 9k for it I'd sooner keep it

I do like the 4200 a lot, much more than I thought I would but the QP really does it for me ,if I'm being honest with myself I want a sport GT so I think an AB4 just won't cut it even though it does look a bargain on the surface

I like the look of this one but it's another 7k


I know, it's not helping that's it's only 10 miles away

But you won't be able to as per other page it was taken down due to error with listing....Whatever that means. Don't get that so I would probably stay clear if it comes back up cheap or not. Sounds a tad doggy to me.


Another dealer who thinks they can sell a car as a trade sale with no warranty or come back.


But you won't be able to as per other page it was taken down due to error with listing....Whatever that means. Don't get that so I would probably stay clear if it comes back up cheap or not. Sounds a tad doggy to me.

He probably couldn't upload the pictures, it was beck on in 10 minutes

Yep, they can't...

As I understand it any declared faults can't be claimed for but anything else can

I've decided a bottom of the market QP a dealer wants shot of is a bad idea so I'm going to save some cash over the summer then maybe have a look later in the year


Right decision buddy....You may be lucky but more than likely catch a cold and end up costing you sh1t loads.