They still exist


Just been to a reasonably small car dealer (not him, the dealership) this afternoon, based on the outskirts of Manchester. I didn’t know him but bought a 4x4 for the daughter, this is not about the car but more so about the dealer and his business attitude. Something which is missing these days, can’t really explain it but I’m sure some of you will know what I mean. He greeted me with I don’t sell Sh1te, my reputation depends on it. To cut a long story short, at the end of the transaction we could not manage the money transfer via his WiFi and he just said OK take it home and transfer the payment from there, which I did. Some of you are probably thinking he was a fool, but I’m thinking that’s old school and would buy from him again or recommend him to others. Will never be a millionaire, but so what! . Incidentally the car is perfect with 12 months warranty. Because he has personally been over it from top to bottom and knows it’s good. Just had to comment because I love to find genuine honest people who make a living as such.


It's nice when that happens!
When I bought my first automatic Longines watch from a chap in London. I asked him if he could prove to me it was not a fake. He said 'I will send it to you to get it checked and if you decide you don't want it send it back to me'. It arrived the next day and I took it to a specialist who not only confirmed it was the real deal but also said it was worth approx. £1,000 (he was selling it for a lot less). I got back in contact with him and said I would like to buy it, but it is worth a lot more than your asking............He replied 'I know but it's nice to see it go to someone who will cherish it'...................Super guy!!


I'll add to the nice stories.

I posted on one of the camera forums that my daughter borrowed my old Olympus OM1n to dabble in learning photography. One of the forum regulars offered to send her an OM2n which he inherited and doesn't use. I PM'ed him and asked if he was sure, these things still change hands for decent money on eBay, why give it away? He was sure and it's sitting on my kitchen table now.
When I read, "I don't sell sh*te." I thought. Oh oh. This is going to go downhill rapidly and ought to be good for a laugh.
I've had similar things happen to me regularly. All so long ago, that I can't recall specifics. But, it warms the heart that this still happens.
I know it does. But, you don't hear about it that often, in my experience.
Thanks for sharing :)


Heart warming to know there are still trusting people out there. A lot of not so trustworthy too but let's not dwell on them at Christmas time.