Snetterton Instruction Day


A couple of photos from my day at Snetterton. One is me on the pit straight on one of my solo runs. The other is a photo of me trying to work out where the fluid is coming from - turns out it was just the overflow from the coolant as I didn't allow enough time for the car to cool down on the in-lap, so panic over, let the car cool and head out again.

The only other worry was the loud vibration coming from the front wheels at one point, for which I slowed right down and crawled back to the pits. Turned out to be the wheels were loose after reaching silly temperatures and not expanding at the same rate as the bolts, I guess. A quick application of a torque wrench from the nice guys at Supreme Racing got us back on the road again. Must remember to have them re-done now everything is back down to normal.

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Special case
I swear - I heard someone screaming and it was coming from in here somewhere????


Now he said I had to kiss the apex; well where the bl00dy he11 is that in here????

That's about the nearest to reality...!
: )

I'll try "That steak must have slipped through...pass me another while it's still hot."

And this reminds me I must buy some more coolant...pretty certain half of its on the tarmac. Even the washer bottle was bubbling over
: )