Recommendations for the winter period


Junior Member
As the weather is changing I need advice/opinions in relation to the GTS being parked up in coming months except for occasional use on dry weekends, this will probably be from November to March - weather dependant .

It will be parked on the drive as it will not fit in the garage, connected to a battery charger, it may or may not have a cover on it - need to find a suitable one that is not a snug fit.

As it may be left for a month or so without being used is there anything I need to be aware of - or that should be done to ensure brakes don't stick etc. Don't have any problems when we switch the Alfas round -as one is in the garage when not in use - therefore no dust, grit, seagull droppings etc.

Is there a polish/ wax that would be suitable over this period that's lasts, it just needs to rain heavy after I've polished and waxed and the water marks are bad and being black seems to attract the birds.

Any advice greatly appreciated - thanks in advance



Make sure no one nicks it Karen...especially being on your drive for a few months at a time....people notice!



Don't wash and park, brakes may sieze on. Likewise don't leave hand brake on.


Kaz, there are a number of storage places down near you that would only cost a few hundred pounds for that period. Dry, warm and indoors... a much better proposition.


Junior Member
Dave - its on the drive all the time, alarmed but blocked in by other cars - and right outside the kitchen window - plus we have a dog that is over protective his territory.

nfm - I want to avoid washing if its going to be left parked for some time - need something to repel the bird deposits.

Peter - could be an option - not sure where you mean though cant think off any places here - could you point me in the right direction


New Member
Kazzer, I recently purchased a cover from . It comes in a protective zipped bag but we'll have to wait til next year to see if I can actually get it back in!
The cover itself is good quality and fits quite well. For £150 its worth a punt to see how well it performs over the next few months. I went for the additional extra security of the car cover locking kit but to be honest, its just a long wire with a padlock loop on one end - one swift swipe with a sharp knife through the loop attached to the cover and it'll be off. However, if you're after the same peace of mind that you've given it the best (cheapish) option of security you can, then add it for a tenner.


if using covers need to make sure the surface is very clean so not to scratch it.

otherwise without a cover, put a few layers of a quality wax to protect the paintand wheels. clean any bird cr@p off as soon as poss. best option would be as peter suggested


Junior Member
All many thanks for the helpful suggestions - I will check them out - looking like a cover for part of the period then storage for the rest.



Bought a Stormshield+ cover from Specialised for my 911 and quite happy with it. Fits really well, is soft underneath, but it is quite a big bulky thing however and although the car is well protected I wouldn't want to be taking it off more than once a month due to the effort required to remove and replaced it carefully.

Bear in mind that you don't want to remove it if wet (where do you store a heavy wet cover?), and as others have said you must clean your car after a drive before replacing it. For me it's a temporay measure as hoping to move to a house with a proper double garage in a month or so (fingers crossed!) so the Mas and Porsche will have a home.

A storage facility really is a better option if you can face parting company with the car for weeks on end (which I can't :) ), and put up with ongoing cost.


Junior Member
Would love to extend the garage by 3 ft at the back would be ideal but not possible it backs onto a neighbours garden- this would solve the problem as the Gts wont fit in the garage
length wise - can only just fit the alfa in. Cant do it forwards as then this will reduce the drive which is currently full - possibly to many cars!

Storage best option for 3 months - which will go quickly as we will be away for some of that time - just need to find a suitable cover for the other 3 months that fits on the drive.

Once again thanks for your help/advice


New Member
Outside car covers are always a tricky thing as they will move around in the wind and will mark the high profile areas of the car. Indoor storage is always best. A carcoon is an option, as the less contact you have with the paint the better.

I agree in trying to find a storage company, as your car will be out of the inclement weather, safe and dry.

There are a number of products that you can apply to your paintwork, but non of them will prevent bird lime from marking the paint. If you see bird lime on your paintwork, always get it off as quickly as you can.

Guest 1678

Kazzer - pay for storage. Outside car covers sweat and the moisture is trapped. I have seen a neighbour turn and E Type into iron oxide as he left the car outside with a high quality cover. Pay the extra, miss the car and then spark it next year, knowing it has been dry stored properly.