New 3200 owner


New Member
Hi all

I'm sure we all know what not to do, but. A mate asked me to have a look at a recently advertised local car, upon contact the seller said someone was looking at it in twenty mins so I said I would be quick. They don't come up very often in NZ and I hadn't been looking for one, I was keeping an eye on QP prices as a potential next family car, so short story, after 10 mins looking and talking with no driving I agreed to his asking price.
So I'm now the owner of the first 3200gt sold in NZ, silver with blue six speed. Only driven it a couple of hundred kms so far and got a list of issues to sort buts it's really getting under my skin.


Well done sir, you wont regret it (all of the time at least) it is a very addictive car, and can be very rewarding, I bought mine 12 years ago now and only intended to keep it for a year :) Let us know your issues sir as there is a wealth of information on this forum and many willing helpers. Enjoy.