Just Bought myself a Birthday Present


New Member
Thanks Nick

Had a lot of money spent on her recently belts/waterpump/brakes/suspension/ss exhaust but plenty of marks on the body to deal with. Drives well though


New Member
Tempting indeed my plans are
This Year Scotland
Next year back to the Stelvio and Nurburgring


New Member
It's not ready yet i haven't finished going through and checking everything first, although a drive back from Brighton seemed fine the other week.


Forum Owner
Nice Steff, thinking about getting back in to one also.

It looks in really good nick but I see it suffering from the usual drivers seat bolster wear.

Can I point you here, this product is excellent and will recoat it as good as new if you take your time:


You will need to send them a sample to get the match bang on. Also get the blue cleanser fluid its brilliant and dont bother with the sealing paste, I dont get on with it, it looks better without.

You mention about the body, I assume door dings, these cars do suffer but find a good dent man and he can work wonders, both doors and rear quarters you should be looking at £200 and again worth every penny.

Anyway, keep us up to speed with your progress, if you need any help just shout, I do know these cars pretty well.

Ill be making Q2 a priority on mine one I have sorted out the body, drivers seat and the wheels and tarted up the engine bay.


New Member
Hi Conaero

the bolster is top of my list of jobs to do and the kit you show is probably exactly what i need, struggling with how to get a clour sample to hm though. I only have a few dings on the drivers dr and quite a lot of chipping marks on the bonnet and a scrape on the drivers side corner on bumper. I too have previously had 2 twinnies and a v6 gtv also a twinnie convertible and had some great fun in them and they surely are great value for little money.
My plan is to get the annoying little jobs done on the car first, i have a knock on the front suspension i hope it's just a bush as it has new koni legs and springs. Window draughty(adjusted that now but not tested as car is not a daily driver it's my weekend mistress). The bodywork will get done but probably not this year as i want to drive it as much as popssible when me and the wife go away for weekend. This will also help me to avoid using her TT.


New Member
That's all well and good but why is there a miniature red (fiesta??? all look the same to me) parked on your roof in the first pic?


Forum Owner
Hi Conaero

the bolster is top of my list of jobs to do and the kit you show is probably exactly what i need, struggling with how to get a clour sample to hm though.

if you take the drivers seat out our one of the rear benches, turn it over and there will be a bit you can cut off. They need a 2cm square bit only.

Have a look on YouTube for a guide, but you need to prepare the surface to take the pigment.

It looks like yours is quite rough, you need to flatten it off with a scotch pad, just go easy and don't go through the leather.

Once you have it smooth, clean thoroughly with the blue cleanser, allow to dry the paint the bad bits with a brush liberally. Shake the pigment too its a suspension and if you don't mix it the colour will be blotchy.

Leave each coat an hour to dry then when you have covered the bad bits use a sponge to colour the entire bolster, 3 coats should do it. Clean the rest if the seat too with the cleanser as you will be amazed how bright the new paint is and what dirt does to the existing colour.

For best results buy a craft airbrush, Hobby Craft do one for £20. This will give a more even finish than the sponge method.

Go to 9.00:



New Member
if you take the drivers seat out our one of the rear benches, turn it over and there will be a bit you can cut off. They need a 2cm square bit only.

Have a look on YouTube for a guide, but you need to prepare the surface to take the pigment.

It looks like yours is quite rough, you need to flatten it off with a scotch pad, just go easy and don't go through the leather.

Once you have it smooth, clean thoroughly with the blue cleanser, allow to dry the paint the bad bits with a brush liberally. Shake the pigment too its a suspension and if you don't mix it the colour will be blotchy.

Leave each coat an hour to dry then when you have covered the bad bits use a sponge to colour the entire bolster, 3 coats should do it. Clean the rest if the seat too with the cleanser as you will be amazed how bright the new paint is and what dirt does to the existing colour.

For best results buy a craft airbrush, Hobby Craft do one for £20. This will give a more even finish than the sponge method.

Go to 9.00:


Remember seeing that now that iv'e seen it again it does look good to be fair,