4200 Spyder - Gearbox


As you all know I have recently had the actuator changed on the gearbox of my Spyder and to say it has made a difference is an understatement. The change is such that I have had a detailed conversation with Emblem about what they actually did when they had the car as I suspected that they might have reloaded the gearbox software (which as one or two you may know would not be a good move on my car).

As it turns out they have confirmed that all they did was change the actuator, run the relearn procedure and reset the gearbox errors. They did advise that the actuator fitted was the updated unit that Maserati fitted to the later cars but other than that nothing else was done. The later actuator apparently has banjo bolts which restrict the fluid flow into the unit.

The result is quite amazing. In both normal and sport mode the gearbox changes are much faster and much smoother than they were before. In normal everyday driving the changes are so smooth that they are hardly detectable. When pushing hard in sport mode the changes used to be really aggressive, like a slap on the back as the next gear was selected. You can still feel these changes there is a distinct feel when the gear is selected but it is much less aggressive than it was. Also with the old setup when accelerating quickly but not flooring the throttle the gear change sometimes seem to get confused and try and sleet an aggressive change when you didn't need it, this has now gone the change now appears to match how quickly you are pushing.

And one final positive, when starting from cold or when try to reverse (especially on an incline) you could feel significant clutch slip this is still there but much less than before.

I find it hard to believe that changing one, if somewhat expensive, part could make such a difference. For me the overall effect is positive so I is a happy bunny :)


Great to hear that you've seen a big improvement from the repair, Andy. It's always galling to shell out a few £k on repairs that makes things exactly as they were before.

i noticed a similar but smaller thing when the throttle potentiometer failed on my GS and was replaced. The difference in throttle response was incredible, even Marios was surprised at the difference. Given its a wearing part and these cars are not getting any younger, it could be a worthwhile 'upgrade' for anyone who has issues with this. From memory it's not an expensive part, I think <£300.


Forum Owner
Pleased for you Andy.

Its nice to know that I am probably running said later actuator which makes me sleep a bit easier.....que actuator failure!!!