Manchester Arena Explosion


I said this during the last incident but was told by many that it was unfair.

The families of the people who commit these crimes in the name of ISIS should be deported to ISIS held countries. If the purportrators know that they are putting their families at risk the won't do it.

It is hard line but if they hurt our families and children we will hurt theirs.

We are too soft and just continue to let it happen.

Sure you can play the 'we are civilised' card but try telling that to the families of the victims!

'Democracy' for you unfortunately. I personally, believe that the UK should deport non nationals known to the authorities for violent crimes/intent here or in their home countries.


'Democracy' for you unfortunately. I personally, believe that the UK should deport non nationals known to the authorities for violent crimes/intent here or in their home countries.

You're joking aren't you, one of the reasons a lot of people voted for brexit is they don't even stop them coming in with criminal records so there's no chance of deporting them.


Junior Member
I said this during the last incident but was told by many that it was unfair.

The families of the people who commit these crimes in the name of ISIS should be deported to ISIS held countries. If the purportrators know that they are putting their families at risk the won't do it.

It is hard line but if they hurt our families and children we will hurt theirs.

We are too soft and just continue to let it happen.

Sure you can play the 'we are civilised' card but try telling that to the families of the victims!

As much as I would like to see this happen, even that would't stop the most suicidal - these guys truly believe they are doing good for their imaginary friend in the sky, to there followers they are not cowardly but the complete opposite, they represent something so macabre, the worst are the converted - they have already turned their backs on their families when they decide to follow such an ideology. They only have one person to answer to and he's on the other side of the detonator switch.

We need to get rid.


You're joking aren't you, one of the reasons a lot of people voted for brexit is they don't even stop them coming in with criminal records so there's no chance of deporting them.
I'm in 100% agreement, but the fact that we run a democracy in the U.K, frankly leaves us wide open for attack!

Brexit, of which I voted for, will change nothing even if 98% of people voted on the grounds you stated, why? Because Britain will never disregard leftist/centralist way of life and all that goes with it. As much as people hate Dictators and that, they get shat done and provide a degree of stability and the UK actually aspires to have that level of security but the countries values and this new age of terror makes it impossible.


Sad to say since 911 we live in a different world and our police are under equipped and under manned for the job , when I've been to Europe or Scandinavia 20-30 years ago I've felt nervous seeing routinely armed police, on a recent trip to Barcelona I felt exactly the opposite , a cop may not be on the scene at the right moment but when he does arrive at an ongoing incident he has the ability to deal with it on his belt.

Outside of London chances are if a copper spots a car being driven through a busy shopping area mowing down pedestrians he can throw a stick at it and radio for somebody to come and stop it.

Felonious Crud

Staff member
There's a lot to be said for not being remotely democratic. Just ask the UAE. At the same time any **** who thinks it's ok to commit an act of terror can make no home in the society I love where free speech* is allowed and where we can go in peace to do the things we love and which hurt no one. The world I call home has no place for anyone who disrupts that basic human right. They can **** off.

*yup, Ben, even yours mate. I know, I know, call me a radical, but it's true.


Going back to the security of the area....This coward did this at the end of the concert so everyone was leaving so would have been easy to get in and even if the f**ker had been stopped before he got in he would have detonated where he was and the results would have been the same....A suicide bomber is very hard stop......We have many countries been hit by these terrorists it's about time all countries came together as one and sorted it out once and for all....and yes I know it's an enemy we can't always see but enough to enough it's time for action.


Even gangsters have morals.....these bastards have none!! Children!!
Innocent children who dont know anything or never had an imput in society ie votes etc....innocent!!

What cowards to go kill themselves!!

I suggest you read a few books on the Commoranese. They have zero morals.


If there was an easy solution we'd have done it.

I like living in a liberal democracy with its associated freedoms. If we give them up then the terrorists win.

The only way to defeat them is to carry on and starve them of money, recruits, and publicity. We have to educate and above all remove the perception of injustice.


I think the public needs to SEE something being done, because at the moment it appears on the face of it that little or nothing is done, I am sure there is a lot going on we don't see or hear about but to the average man in the street it appears as if nothing gets done, and I think that has a lot to do with the calls for retaliation etc. etc.


I think the public needs to SEE something being done, because at the moment it appears on the face of it that little or nothing is done, I am sure there is a lot going on we don't see or hear about but to the average man in the street it appears as if nothing gets done, and I think that has a lot to do with the calls for retaliation etc. etc.

Then our government needs to educate the people and explain what they are doing and why rather than using mushroom management.


The problem I have is that every single one of these nutjobs is known to the authorities, it is time we constantly monitored them, tagged them and watched them **** as they are clearly a massive threat to society, a bad egg as such. Close down the mosques or arrest the imam's who are brainwashing these foot soldiers. It's time we addressed the issue at the top level and stopped these kids from being brain washed.


You're joking aren't you, one of the reasons a lot of people voted for brexit is they don't even stop them coming in with criminal records so there's no chance of deporting them.

Took me a year to get into New Zealand having to be thoroughly Police checked, health screening,prove my qualifications we're genuine, have some money and have a job to go to all at my expense.


Centenary Club
The Mrs and my sister-in-law was at the arena on Saturday night seeing Take That.
My sister-in-law lost a friend in the Paris shootings too.
Certainly security on recent trips to Paris and New York appear higher than what we have over here.


We have a friend who works in the MOD in this area. He says the system has to get lucky most of the time whereas these scumbags just need to lucky once.

These nutters are brainwashed into thinking they are martyrs for the cause, they have already given up everything for that so they will have no concern for their families.

Only option is to carry on, show we won't crumble, be strong and fight to live in the free speaking democracy that we live in

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Took me a year to get into New Zealand having to be thoroughly Police checked, health screening,prove my qualifications we're genuine, have some money and have a job to go to all at my expense.

all you need to come here is the cost of the flight

Victor Akulic, a serial Lithuanian offender with convictions including child rape, committed rape again within a year of entering Britain. In court, Lady Justice Hallett asked: ‘Do we have to take in anybody, even if they have a conviction for raping a child?’

Battered and stabbed: Guiseppe and Caterina Massaro were killed by Ireneusz Bartnowski as they lay in bed

Among five criminals who did not commit any offence in Britain is Abdelhamid Abaaoud, who helped plan the terror attacks in Paris. He entered the UK despite a conviction in Belgium for terrorism-related offences

WARSAW GANGSTER KILLED MAN WITH BLOW TORCHThe fugitive member of the Warsaw mafia slipped in to Britain then killed a man with a blow torch.

I could go on but it's too depressing


So very sad - so many young people will have been the victims
An 8 year old girl
An 18 year old student
A 26 year old man

The perpetrator identiifed as a 22year old male, the son of Libian refugees who have been in the U.K. For two decades

I just feel so sad and can see no sollution to senseless loss of life

My thoughts and prayers to everyone touched by this


We have a friend who works in the MOD in this area. He says the system has to get lucky most of the time whereas these scumbags just need to lucky once.

These nutters are brainwashed into thinking they are martyrs for the cause, they have already given up everything for that so they will have no concern for their families.

Only option is to carry on, show we won't crumble, be strong and fight to live in the free speaking democracy that we live in

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Totally agree.